How can I iterate a layer group with owslib in QGIS in a script? If is not possible, are there alternatives?

Here is a sample code of what I'm trying to achieve: 2,5,8 has 1 as parent.

from owslib.wms import WebMapService
wms = WebMapService('https://neo.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/wms/wms', version='1.1.1')
list(wms.contents)) #prints wms layers,not the groups also [['MOD14A1_M_FIRE', 'MOD14A1_E_FIRE'...]
# the above is listing only the children not the parents
# I want to iterate also the parent with 0->1->[2,5,8] within a script
img = wms.getmap(layers=['1'], #this is not working bcs a parent obviously
                 bbox=(708542, 460329, 731172, 493289),
                 size=(100, 100),

enter image description here enter image description here

  • Can you add a picture of how the structure of your content looks like? I checked this ows neowms.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/wms/wms and there are layers which one can fetch them with your code block and RGB or greyscale which style to be chosen i.imgur.com/JvJERNJ.png
    – Nil
    Commented Jan 24, 2021 at 7:00
  • @Nil the issues isn't that the qgis isn't showing me the layers in WMS Data Source Manager, the issue i have is to iterate with the script through the layers group, and choose a group(all childrens) or a single layer(child) based on some filter, like in your example: imgur.com/a/iQSC36o
    – Alexis
    Commented Jan 24, 2021 at 9:15


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