I have an existing vector layer (points) I was working on some time ago. The layer represents boreholes in the area of my interest (over 250 points).
Some time ago we got access to a number of geological documentations and my colleague updated some of the information regarding the boreholes in the Excel file. He used the same headers that I used in QGIS.
Is it possible in QGIS after adding a CSV or XLSX file for the join to fill in the missing gaps in an existing column rather than adding a completely new column?
For example, in the screenshot, you see a column named "do_str_wwy" - it represents the depth to the aquifer.
In the XLSX file, I have an identical column with completed values for the selected boreholes. What I want to accomplish is to fill in the NULL values in the existing column, because right now QGIS creates a whole new column every time and I don't know how it will handle this.
if("field_x1" is NULL, "field_x2","field_x1")
), then remove the join.