Instead of getting the dataset:
// Retrieve the first feature dataset from the workspace.
IEnumDatasetName enumDatasetName = workspace.get_DatasetNames
You can get the feature class by:
IEnumDatasetName enumDatasetName = workspace.get_DatasetNames(esriDatasetType.esriDTFeatureClass);
See this thread:
Exporting/importing a geodatabase feature class to an XML file
You can get fc names within geodatabase/feature dataset using this code (solution in VB.NET):
Sub TestGetContents()
Dim pGxApp As IGxApplication
Dim Type As System.Type = System.Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(GetType(ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.AppRefClass).GUID)
pGxApp = TryCast(Activator.CreateInstance(Type), ESRI.ArcGIS.CatalogUI.IGxApplication)
'select geodatabase in Catalog tree
If Not TypeOf pGxApp.SelectedObject Is IGxDatabase Then
Debug.Print("select a geodb first")
Exit Sub
End If
Dim c As Collection
c = GetContents(pGxApp.SelectedObject)
Dim l As Long
For l = 1 To c.Count
Dim pName As IName
pName = c.Item(l)
If TypeOf pName Is IFeatureClassName Then
Dim pFC As IFeatureClass
pFC = pName.Open
ElseIf TypeOf pName Is IFeatureDatasetName Then
Dim pDSName As IDatasetName
pDSName = pName
End If
Next l
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Caught an unspecified error in the calling code: " & vbCrLf & ex.ToString)
End Try
End Sub
Function GetContents(ByVal pGxDB As IGxDatabase) As Collection
Dim c As New Collection
Dim pEnumDSName As IEnumDatasetName
pEnumDSName = pGxDB.Workspace.DatasetNames(esriDatasetType.esriDTAny)
Dim pDSName As IDatasetName
pDSName = pEnumDSName.Next
Do Until pDSName Is Nothing
If TypeOf pDSName Is IFeatureClassName Then
ElseIf TypeOf pDSName Is IFeatureDatasetName Then
AddSubNames(pDSName, c)
End If
pDSName = pEnumDSName.Next
GetContents = c
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Caught an unspecified error in the calling code: " & vbCrLf & ex.ToString)
End Try
End Function
Sub AddSubNames(ByVal pDSName1 As IDatasetName, ByVal c As Collection)
Dim pEnumDSName As IEnumDatasetName
pEnumDSName = pDSName1.SubsetNames
Dim pDSName2 As IDatasetName
pDSName2 = pEnumDSName.Next
Do Until pDSName2 Is Nothing
If TypeOf pDSName2 Is IFeatureClassName Then
End If
pDSName2 = pEnumDSName.Next
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Caught an unspecified error in the calling code: " & vbCrLf & ex.ToString)
End Try
End Sub
Code referenced from this post:
ArcObjects - enumerating feature classes and datasets within a geodatabase