I have a file to which I added a custom shapefile layer to which I added a couple polygons. I saved it, reopened it the other day on a different computer and got an error message saying that the shapefile layer could not be read. I was not able to locate the shapefile anywhere. I deleted the layer. I deleted all the other layers. But the geometry from that shapefile layer persists in my file. I cannot select the features to delete them. Nor can I turn them on or off.

How do I get rid of them?


On this machine: QGIS version 3.22.1-Białowieża QGIS code revision 663dcf8fb9 Qt version 5.15.2 Python version 3.9.5

2 Answers 2


You may have accidentally added your polygons to an annotation/graphics layer.

enter image description here

Use the "Modify annotations" tool to select and delete them.

enter image description here

enter image description here


I see no layers on the map layer. But the layer is active, so give it a try. Activate your console and type the folowing code to get the path of your layer. Browse to that filepath, close QGIS, delete all files with that name and reopen QGIS.

[f.source() for f in iface.mapCanvas().layers()]

enter image description here

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