I'm struggling to work out how to use the XYZ tiles I've created in my QGIS project. I have managed to create the XYZ tiles and I know they have been created correctly as the index.htm file renders it correctly.
What I haven't been able to work out how to add the tiles to my project. I want it to sit on top of OSM as an additional base layer. I have tried a file reference to a place on my local drive and also tried uploading it to my GitHub space but, again, I can't seem to link to the tiles.
I have the tiles located here and this is the connection I'm using (it's a map of the Scottish rail network): C:/Users/Andrew/Documents/ScotRail220616/{z}/{x}/{y}.png
ScotRail220616 is the top folder within which the zoom level folders sit.
What am I missing? Am I getting the syntax wrong for the file location?