I want to filter the data on map based on the user selected date, i have a simple dataset with attributes as id,color, date (displayed in image below) I worked out partly how to filter the data by color, id however when i tried same logic with date can't understand how this works.
using bulmaCalender plugin i did below
<form id="form3">
<p>Filter by Date:</p>
<p>Start Date: <input type="date" id="startDate" value="01/01/2022"></p>
<p>End Date: <input type="date" id="endDate" value="01/12/2022"></p> <br>
<button id = "subDate" type="submit" value="Update" class="button is-link is- outlined is-light is-small is-rounded">Update</button>
// Importing data Little Squares as ls
var polygon_ls = json_ls;
var selected
var layer_ls = new L.GeoJSON(polygon_ls, {
onEachFeature: onEachFeature
GeoJSON feature looks like this
{ "type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"id": 4,
"color": "green",
"date": "01\/04\/2022"
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [ [
[ 144.956422952665463, -37.803472701793176 ],
[ 144.965757268247671, -37.803589307887528 ],
[ 144.965694511688781, -37.807908799167294 ],
[ 144.956305138229141, -37.807746215600453 ],
[ 144.956422952665463, -37.803472701793176 ]
] ]
Javascript code
function filterByDate(feature)
var userSelectedStartDate = new Date((document.getElementById("startDate").value));
var userSelectedEndDate = new Date((document.getElementById("endDate").value));
console.log(userSelectedStartDate); //printing user selection to console here
console.log(new Date(typeof(feature.properties.date))); //printing dataset to console here
if (
(Date(feature.properties.date) >= Date(userSelectedStartDate.data)) &&
(Date(feature.properties.date) <= Date(userSelectedEndDate.data))
return true;
var new_layer;
new_layer = new L.geoJson(polygon_ls, {
I got a head start from here Datefilter in leaflet.js
here are few tests i did to understand what is happening. When I print using console.log((feature.properties.date)); results are
When I print using console.log(typeof(feature.properties.date)); results are
console.log(new Date(typeof(feature.properties.date))); gives me
console.log((userSelectedStartDate)); result is 12 objects
when I select the dates 01/01/2022 and end 01/12/2022 (as shown in the image above)
I want map to show first polygon when user selects 01/01/2022 and last when 01/12/2022 is selected.
I know the logic looks funny that is the reason i said i partly worked out how to filter by id and color, i am just adding new layers not actually filtering the data not sure if i can overwrite the layer file before adding it back to map.