I am wondering if there is a way to quickly add coordinates on the map as a callout (without the need of creating a shapefile).

For example, ArcMap has a nice feature (Go to XY) where you can simple insert a coordinate and it places a callout or label in your workspace.

Does anyone knows if QGIS has something similar?

enter image description here

  • 1
    The lat lon tools plugins lets you zoom and add a marker... but no callout. (Make sure you are comfortable with the developer's organization before installing this handy plugin)
    – JGH
    Commented Dec 8, 2022 at 14:13
  • Just to show where a coordinate is, put de coordinates separated by coma (,) in the lower left corner search box.
    – Mayo
    Commented Dec 8, 2022 at 14:15
  • Is your need the callout, or to bookmark some places to easily go-to/zoom-to ? If the latter, then you have Bookmark editor
    – Kasper
    Commented Dec 8, 2022 at 14:35
  • @JGH lat_lon_tools is the best solution for now, but it can only place one marker at the time unfortunately.
    – Aurora
    Commented Dec 15, 2022 at 13:55

1 Answer 1


you can use the locator bar for that - the small search bar in the lower left corner from QGIS, just put your coordinates in there, no plugin needed:

enter image description here

  • Handy indeed, but it does not place a quick label on the map for quick viewing and comparisons, especially when you quickly want to measure distance to hasty given coords.
    – Aurora
    Commented Dec 15, 2022 at 14:00

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