I have several Feflow files that are displayed as points in QGIS. I would like to display points that have the same value scale as a polygon (F Value in the attribute table). Is this possible?

Is there no function like point to polygon? (Like select all points with the same value and form a polygon) I have already tried

  • Theisen Polygon (this seems quite wrong to me)
  • Convert point to polygon

It is also possible to save the Feflow file as a shapefile with polygons. Then the polygon contains single triangles. Here is the problem at the end, the file size.

Could I possibly convert the individual triangles to a surface?

Shapefile with points
Shapefile with points

Attribute Table of the point shapefile
Attribute Table of the point shapefile

Shapefile with the triangles
Shapefile with the triangles


1 Answer 1


Dissolve will work using your polygon shapefile with the triangles if you select "F" in the dissolve field

input enter image description here output enter image description here

  • Also if you expect distinct polygons with the same F value they will be part of the same MultiPolygon. If you would prefer them to be separate polygons you can use "Multipart to singleparts" processing tool to do so
    – Kalak
    Commented Feb 9, 2023 at 14:27

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