I have a question about how to use grid shift(gsb) in linux PostGIS. I want to transform from Tokyo Datum to JGD2000, but the grid shift doesn't work in my PostGIS Linux version...
Detail: I'm using PostGIS to toransform the coordinate system about Japan points. for example, I want to convert coordinates in EPSG:30170 (Tokyo / Japan Plane Rectangular CS X) to EPSG:4612 (JGD2000). This conversion requires the grid shift parameter by TKY2JGD.gsb, which I downloaded it from the following site: https://github.com/tohka/JapanGridShift I have copied it to the proj folder in my PostGIS.
Here is my sample SQL:
select ST_AsText(ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(59970, -191522), 30170), 4612));
I have tried the SQL in both the Windows and Linux versions of PostGIS.
The Windows version works correctly with the grid shift.
Result: POINT(141.515303472659, 38.2754870757) <== Correct
However, the Linux version doesn't apply the grid shift, and the result is incorrect:
Result: POINT(141.51530352063338, 38.275491208146946) <== Incorrect
Why does the grid shift not work in the Linux version of PostGIS? How to use TKY2JGD.gsb in Linux version of PostGIS? If possible, Please let me know some advices...
My environment:
Windows 10 / Postgres 14.8 / PostGIS 3.3
Proj folder: C:\pg\14\share\contrib\postgis-3.3\proj
Rocky 8.5 / Postgres 14.8 / PostGIS 3.3
Proj folder: /usr/proj90/share/proj /usr/proj82/share/proj