I have been struggling with getting pgr_withPointsCost to output a correct cost table for months. I have created a routable network, ensured the network is connected, created a poi table with all the required fields, but it only outputs a single output whose distance isn't correct. Everything is in EPSG 3400.
For the poi table (migration.cntrlpts_move), I have moved all the points to the line network, set the pid column to have a negative value as required. It should start at id = 1 (pid=-1) and end at id = 6 (pid = -6)
id | fraction | edge_id | pid |
1 | 0 | 1790 | -1 |
2 | 1 | 1792 | -2 |
3 | 0.98 | 3319 | -3 |
4 | 0.27 | 2244 | -4 |
5 | 0.406 | 3523 | -5 |
6 | 0 | 4020 | -6 |
The output table looks like this:
start_pid | end_pid | agg_cost | id | fraction | geom | edge_id | pid |
1 | 2 | 215.0217 | 2 | 1 | 0101000020480D000083BD86371B15144165D5F8130F375741 | 1792 | 2 |
The following are all the steps:
Step 1: Create Routable Network
-- ### Step 1 - Create Topology of imported streams layer ###
-- Build topology for stream CCP distance calculations
ALTER TABLE migration.streams ADD COLUMN "source" integer; -- add source column for pg routing
ALTER TABLE migration.streams ADD COLUMN "target" integer; -- add target column for pg routing
SELECT pgr_createTopology('migration.streams', 1.0, 'geom', 'id');
-- ### Step 2 - Add pgRouting networking information
ALTER TABLE migration.streams ADD COLUMN length float8; -- add length field for pgr cost
ALTER TABLE migration.streams ADD COLUMN cost float8; -- add cost column
ALTER TABLE migration.streams ADD COLUMN reverse_cost float8; -- add reverse_cost column
UPDATE migration.streams SET length = ST_Length(geom);
UPDATE migration.streams SET cost = ST_length(geom);
UPDATE migration.streams SET reverse_cost = -1;
-- ### Step 4 - Move release and CCP locations to stream and calculate fraction of stream CCP is located on
-- We first need to get a candidate set of maybe-closest stream, ordered by id and distance.
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS migration.control_pts_events;
CREATE TABLE migration.control_pts_events AS
WITH ordered_nearest AS (
ST_GeometryN(streams.geom,1) AS streams_geom,
streams.id AS streams_id,
pts.geom AS pts_geom,
pts.id AS pts_id,
ST_Distance(streams.geom, pts.geom) AS distance_to_stream
FROM migration.streams streams
JOIN migration.ccp pts -- *** change to shapefile name ***
ON ST_DWithin(streams.geom, pts.geom, 500) -- *** search distance away from stream ***
ORDER BY pts_id, distance_to_stream ASC
DISTINCT ON (pts_id)
ST_LineLocatePoint(streams_geom, pts_geom) AS fraction,
FROM ordered_nearest;
-- Table for pgr_withPointsCost operation with the fraction of the stream a point is on & stream edge_id.
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS migration.cntrlpts_move;
CREATE TABLE migration.cntrlpts_move AS
events.pts_id AS id, events.fraction,
ST_LineInterpolatePoint(ST_GeometryN(streams.geom, 1), events.fraction) AS geom,
events.streams_id AS edge_id
FROM migration.control_pts_events events
JOIN migration.streams streams
ON (streams.id = events.streams_id);
-- Update control points table to include -pid
ALTER TABLE migration.cntrlpts_move ADD COLUMN "pid" bigint; -- add pid column for pg routing
UPDATE migration.cntrlpts_move SET pid = id;
-- Cost path from ccp to ccp
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS migration.ccp_cost;
CREATE TABLE migration.ccp_cost AS
WITH pgr_ccp AS (
SELECT r.*, p.*
FROM pgr_withPointsCost(
length AS cost,
FROM migration.streams',
'SELECT pid*-1 AS pid,
FROM migration.cntrlpts_move WHERE pid < 0',
(SELECT pid FROM migration.cntrlpts_move WHERE id = 1), -- start location id number
ARRAY(SELECT pid FROM migration.cntrlpts_move WHERE id > 1), -- not equal to start location
directed => true) AS r INNER JOIN migration.cntrlpts_move AS p ON
r.end_pid = p.pid;
), ccp_distances AS (
SELECT * FROM pgr_ccp
SELECT * FROM ccp_distances ORDER BY agg_cost;