I tried to get ET and PET layer for MOD16A2 by using convertmodis_gdal.convertModisGDAL:

modisconv = convertmodis_gdal.convertModisGDAL(hdf, output, "(1 0 0)", 500, outformat='GTiff', epsg=32647, wkt=None, resampl='NEAREST_NEIGHBOR', vrt=False)

modisconv = convertmodis_gdal.convertModisGDAL(hdf, output, '(0 0 1)', 500, outformat='GTiff', epsg=32647, wkt=None, resampl='NEAREST_NEIGHBOR', vrt=False)

The result is the same, is there anything I missed?

1 Answer 1


You need to specify the layer number for each band, not just 0 or 1. The ET layer is band 1 and the PET layer is band 2, so you need to use ‘(1 0 0)’ for ET and ‘(0 1 0)’ for PET. Also, you don’t need to use quotes around the subset parameter, just use parentheses. Like this:

modisconv = convertmodis_gdal.convertModisGDAL(hdf, output, (1 0 0), 500, outformat=‘GTiff’, epsg=32647, wkt=None, resampl=‘NEAREST_NEIGHBOR’, vrt=False)

modisconv = convertmodis_gdal.convertModisGDAL(hdf, output, (0 1 0), 500, outformat=‘GTiff’, epsg=32647, wkt=None, resampl=‘NEAREST_NEIGHBOR’, vrt=False)

That should give you the correct output.

  • I already tried your suggestion but I still get the same output, and in case "you don’t need to use quotes around the subset parameter" i got an error when i do it
    – taam
    Commented Nov 2, 2023 at 8:46
  • anyway thank you for helping me
    – taam
    Commented Nov 2, 2023 at 8:47

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