I am trying to put together a raster in QGIS 3.36 (and maybe convert to vector at some point) showing areas above 100 feet in NYC for calculating housing data. I have reviewed the SE responses/methodologies for doing so, but believe I am stuck on accessing the band information from the raster file when I try to use Raster Calculator. I think I have either messed something up in configuring the data connection to the raster source or in setting properties locally of the raster, but I am not sure.
loaded raster file from https://elevation.its.ny.gov/arcgis/rest/services/NYC_TopoBathymetric2017_1_foot/ImageServer via Data Source Manager > ArcGIS REST Server
Layer appears to display correctly in the canvas, aligning with the base map coastline and showing values' extent
I don't see a histogram option in the layer properties, making me think that I've configured something wrong
When I open Raster Calculator, I don't see the option to select bands on the left. I've tried a few guesses in the expression window for the variables without luck: ("Topo">=100), ("Band 1">=100). Have tried both "create on-the-fly raster" and saving output layer to folder. First results in an empty layer, second results in "Could not create destination file" error.
What am I doing wrong here?