I'm looking for a solution to create optimized fixed-width corridors as line features restricted by a barrier raster.

The corridors should be independent from each other, meaning intersections are allowed and no network is necessary - so the corridor A-B does not have to have a connection to the corridor C-D. There should be corridors from all sources to all destinations, meaning A-B, A-C, A-D, ... B-A, B-C, B-D, etc. Sources = destinations, so they depict the same dataset. In ArcGIS Pro I've already tried several tools:

  • Distance accumulation + Corridor -> Cannot set a fixed-width corridor, output is not a feature but a raster
  • Distance accumulation + Optimal Path as Line -> No corridor to be set
  • Optimal Region Connections -> No corridor and network-dependent (by far not covering all possible connections)
  • Optimal Corridor Connections -> Network-dependent (by far not covering all possible connections)
  • Network tools / dataset -> Network-dependent, path optimization for network creation not available

As a last option I'm thinking of building a small python script for-looping through the Distance accumulation + Optimal Path as Line combination to at least create all optimized paths. Since there can be a lot and computation might become intensive (1700 sources/destinations), the mandatory corridor constraint and at best a max distance constraint (below a specific distance) for the optimization might come in very handy, also for further processing of the data.

  • 1
    Few details are missing. How big is your raster, cells count? Are source, destinations points or polygons? Do you really have 2 cost rasters for corridor, or just one? Also note A-B is just a reverse line to B-A in absence if vertical horizontal factors
    – FelixIP
    Commented May 9 at 19:19
  • It's 11012x9531 in size, sources and destinations are points; for corridor the least cost corridor tool is meant - yes, two cost rasters are used here, the one for the source and the one for the destination as the documentation suggests; yes, A-B equals B-A, no vertical or horizontal factors to be considered.
    – Seb
    Commented May 14 at 8:59
  • Addition: yes, two accumulative cost rasters and back direction rasters are used here, each one for the source and the destination as the documentation suggests
    – Seb
    Commented May 14 at 9:06

1 Answer 1


The script below assumes that you have these layers in maps table of content:

enter image description here

First two are just clones of your points feature class and their table looks like that:

enter image description here

Script will save N-1 sets of least cost paths as polylines in workspace database:

enter image description here

You'll need field READY to restart code after ArcGIS fails at some iteration.


from arcpy.sa import *
'get relevant layers from current map'
mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT")
DESTINATION,SOURCES = [arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd,item)[0] for item in "DESTINATION","SOURCES"]
d = arcpy.Describe(SOURCES)
OID = d.OIDFieldName
fids = [row[0] for row in arcpy.da.TableToNumPyArray(SOURCES.dataSource,OID,"READY=0")]
COST = Raster("COST")
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(SOURCES.dataSource,"READY","READY=0") as cursor:
    for row in cursor:
        dest = fids.pop(0)
        arcpy.AddMessage("Processing %i" %dest)
        DESTINATION.definitionQuery = "%s = %i" %(OID,dest)
        SOURCES.definitionQuery = "%s > %i" %(OID,dest)
        BLINK = CostBackLink(DESTINATION,COST)
        cDist = CostDistance(DESTINATION,COST)
        outfc = "To_%s" %str(dest).zfill(5)
        CostPathAsPolyline(SOURCES, cDist, BLINK, outfc,"EACH_CELL",OID)
        if len(fids)==1:break
DESTINATION.definitionQuery = ""
SOURCES.definitionQuery = ""

Couple of outputs:

enter image description here

enter image description here

  • Solves the stated problem. Is it possible to add a fixed line width as constraint for the paths optimization?
    – Seb
    Commented May 15 at 9:04

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