I am relatively new to GIS in general, and to QGIS in particular. I have what I assume to be a pretty elementary question so I will give a simple bullet point work flow that will help demonstrate my question.

  • I create a polygon shapefile (A) and add an $area attribute (_Area), and set it to use the automatic default value if changed.
  • I create (or import) another polygon shapefile (B) as an overlay to be used to clip the previously created shapefile A.
  • I clip shape A with shape B.
  • The new "temporary" layer has the same value for _Area as the original shapefile A and not the actual $area of the new clipped poygon.
  • In order to get the actual value of _Area for the clipped shapefile, I have to edit the field _Area and add $area, then update.

This seems like a lot of work to get the intersecting areas between to shapefiles and prone to errors if there are a lot of clipped areas to measure. Am I missing something?

Is there a way to make a shapefile created from clipping another shapefile use the default value $area of the original shapefile?

  • 1
    $area is a mathematical calculation. If the geometry is different, the value will be different. If you want to preserve the value before clipping, create a new column and populate the "before" area into it.
    – Vince
    Commented Sep 23 at 20:21

1 Answer 1


You can:

The virtual field will contain the actual ellipsoidal area of the polygon geometries contained in the polygon shapefile (A).

  • Thanks Andrea. It worked great. Commented Sep 23 at 21:05

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