I have several shapefile layers with census tract data in ArcGIS Pro. There are two types, layer A, with only the tract number - therefore statistics (count, percentage, etc) are based on the entire tract, and layer B, with tract number AND block group, meaning statistics in layer B are further broken down.

I need to join the two layers based on tract (which I can do), but I am unsure how to add the values in the percentage column of layer B based on their common tract.

another example to illustrate, Layer A

Tract # Qualifying Pct
8825 50%
8824 10%

while Layer B looks like

Tract # Block Group Qualifying Pct
8825 1 25%
8825 2 25%
8824 4 7%
8824 1 3%

Ultimately, I want one layer, with one percent value per tract.

1 Answer 1


As you have only 1 row per track number in layer A you need to match that 1-to-1 with layer B. To achieve that, use the pivot table tool to restructure your table B, then do your join on tract number.

Pivot it into

tract #, BG1, BG2, BG3, BG4
8825, 25,25,null,null

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