Here's my problem (and I was inspired to ask this from this question)...
I create a KML file recording of where upcoming training courses will be for the next year. The cities might be Atlanta, Calgary, Toronto, Dallas, etc
So I can automate the process, I read the list from a file, use a geocoding service to get the coordinates of "Atlanta" and insert a placemark at that point. Now a user can open the KML and see there is training in Atlanta.
However, what if that user zooms right into Google Earth, uses the placemark to identify a particular building, and assumes the training will take place there?
I can't give the exact building location, because it won't be booked till closer to the date. But how do I tell my user that the placemark is only meant to signify position to the city-level, and not right down to a particular building?
Should I fiddle about with zoom-level displays, use a polygon instead of a point, or is there a good KML method to solve the issue?