I have shapefiles for the different OSM layers which I have translated into TABs but I am now trying to symbolise them in a similar style to OSM online.
Is there a way to easily apply the OSM symbology to MapInfo TAB files?
MapInfo To QGIS Style Generator
Note: @Nathanw (GIS-SE user, QGIS Dev) would probably give you a more complete answer
He has written python code to do this:
Here is a quick run though on how to use the MapInfo to QGIS style generator.
Preparing the file from MapInfo
Open MapInfo and open the table that you wish to generate the QGIS style for.
Run the following commands in the MapBasic windows, replacing anything in {} with your info
Select {Your value column}, Str$(ObjectInfo(obj,2)) from {Your Table} Where Str$(ObjectInfo(obj,1)) = "5" Group By {Your value column} Into outputTable
Export "outputTable" Into "{Your output file}.txt" Type "ASCII" Delimiter "|" CharSet "WindowsLatin1"
Follow the instructions below or usage guide to generate QML file.
Instructions & Source Code: https://github.com/NathanW2/MapInfo-to-QGIS-style-generator/wiki/Using-MapInfo-to-QGIS-style-generator. https://github.com/NathanW2/MapInfo-to-QGIS-style-generator