Is it possible to get the radius' density kernel of the heatmap in meters rather than in pixels? http://suite.opengeo.org/opengeo-docs/cartography/rt/heatmap.html

If not, is there other alternatives to draw heatmaps efficiently from my postgresql db and send it to leaflet? (I tried heatmap.js but it is quite slow)

1 Answer 1


Because you are using a raster tool, the radius of your filter has to be expressed in pixels. If you need a more precise solution, you must use a smaller pixel size. This is a constraint from the method and not from the software.

If you need to start with an input value in meters, you can convert your "meters" in "number of pixels" in a previous step. This is quite straightforward if you are using a projected coordinate system (round(radius_in_meter/pixel_size)). If you are in lat/long, it is not recommended to use this kind of conversion.

  • Is it possible to use map units instead? I have created a grid of 50000 x 50000 cells in EPSG 3857 and would like to use something of this order as a radius (my wms layer will always be served in that projection). It is possible in QGIS for instance.
    – Thomas
    Commented Jul 18, 2016 at 8:09

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