I'm still trying to wrap my head around using FME and encountering another issue.
This is my scenario: I have a master SDE database that i am trying to update using the data from a GDB file. I was able to successfully update the SDE database on the Points data but when i tried to do the same process on Polygon's, the update breaks my SDE data.
FME Translation Setup:
- I have 2 readers (GDB file reader and SDE DB reader)
- I created 3 writers (INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE) *there could be a better implementation
- I am just reusing these readers and writers and created an update process for each feature inside the GDB file.
- Read through the SDE and GDB data.
- Run CRC on each dataset.
- Merge resulting datasets using FeatureMerger
- Type: Attributes and Geometry
- Run GeometryCoercer and 2DForcer.
- Tester, check if both CRC fields are the same.
- If yes, do nothing
- If no, update the row.
The translation succeeds but when i try to view the feature in ArcCatalog, it gives me this error:
I might just be doing/setting something stupid that is causing this issue.
UPDATE: Also tested the updated geometries before the insert using the Data Inspector and everything seems to be fine. I think my issue is somewhere in the WRITER.