Linked Questions

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Vector Geoprocessing Tools Missing from QGIS 2.18.2 for Mac OSX 10.11.6 [duplicate]

I tried the steps from "Vector Tools Missing in QGIS 1.8 Ubuntu". Most of the tools under "Vector" are missing from my recent installation of QGIS 2.18.2, so I am unable to clip, buffer, make ...
arabiccode's user avatar
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"Data management tools" does not exist under "Vector layer"? [duplicate]

I am using QGIS 2.18.12 and I need to calculate the area of overlap between two shapefiles. Help I've already found for this problem says to use "Data management tools" under "Vector layer" but the ...
b.ram's user avatar
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QGIS 2.16 - Missing menu Vector > Research Tools > Vector Grid [duplicate]

I just upgraded to QGIS 2.16 on Xubuntu Ubuntu 14.04.4 and I'm missing the "Research Tools" under the Vector menu. I'm specifically looking for the Vector Grid option. I didn't notice any error ...
n1kn0k's user avatar
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Incomplete geometry tool in QGIS 2.18 'Las Palmas' [duplicate]

I just installed new version of QGIS which is 2.18 'Las Palmas'. Unfortunately, I cannot find vector conversion menu under geometry tool that I used to find in the previous version. I need to convert ...
Andi's user avatar
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Creating Dot Density Maps in QGIS?

Is there a 'friendly' way to create dot-density maps, where a polygon attribute data defines the number of dots (e.g. 1 dot = 100 ) using QGIS 1.7+? I say friendly because after a couple of hours ...
rhodee's user avatar
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"Points in Polygon" command (vector-analysis tools) doesn't appear in QGIS 2.16 [duplicate]

I can't find the "Points in Polygon" command under the vector-analysis tools. It is missing from the pull down menu. Any ideas why? I just loaded QGIS for the first time on my new PC.
Rusty Dickson's user avatar
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QGIS 2.18.0 - missing Geometry tools in the Vector tab

Yesterday, the only vector processing tool I had was Open Street Map. After checking here, I re-installed QGIS and I had all the processing tools. This morning, I have been using Geometry tools. ...
Ruth's user avatar
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Points in Polygon missing from QGIS 2.16.x?

Looking to do a basic Hex analyis with some random points within the Gulf of Mexico. I created a hex grid from MMQGIS Under my Vector tool - Analysis tools, I dont have Points in Polygon. Is it ...
Justin H's user avatar
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Missing Conversion | Rasterise option in raster menu

I'm using QGIS. Would like to use Raster > Conversion > Rasterise from drop down menu. Raster drop down menu is smaller today than it was yesterday though... why? How can I access the missing options?...
SchoolBoy's user avatar
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Missing Processing Tools in QGIS

The processing tools is missed in QGIS 2.18. I tried Missing Processing Tools in Vector Menu of QGIS? solutions, even install and uninstall several times but every time I get the following error (...
A.Sarh's user avatar
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QGIS - couldn't load plugin "processing" - cannot import "bytes"

I just tried to update QGIS, and now get two errors. This when I open the app And this when I try to access the processing plugin. couldn't load plugin 'processing' ImportError: cannot import ...
Stuey17's user avatar
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After updating to QGIS 3.20.2 vector processing tools are missing

In my QGIS 3.20.2 I can't use tools from the Vector menu as I used in the previous QGIS version. See the print screens. Can somebody tell me why as well as how to resolve this issue?
Svyatoslav Zhmutskyy's user avatar
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Why vector tools cannot appear in QGIS data processing

Why vector tools cannot appear in QGIS data processing
dickysetiawan's user avatar