Linked Questions

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Map alignment is off

I imported the shapefiles from a government source but it looks like the land masses arent't aligned properly even though the crs on all layers are the same.
Lisa Wang's user avatar
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Buffer problem (WGS84)

I have a point layer with the CRS WGS84, and if I put in other CRS, my points move to another world side. So, how could I do the buffer?
Ismael Borreguero's user avatar
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Getting a basemap in GDA94/MGA55

I'm working in QGIS. My project CRS is set to EPSG: 28355 (GDA94/MGA 55). Whenever I import basemaps they are automatically in EPSG: 4283 (just GDA94). When I try and change the CRS of the basemap to ...
Caitlin's user avatar
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SAD69 (Brazil) Coordinates and Converting to Latitude and Longitude

I have a coordinates that I would like to plot on Google Earth. The coordinates I have appear to be in SAD69, a Brazilian projection. I need to convert them to latitude and longitude. I tried ...
matt's user avatar
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QNEAT3 Shortest Path works but OD Matrix doesn't

I have successfully created a shortest path layer using QNEAT3. When I try and use the OD Matrix from layers as lines (M:N) i get NULL values. My network layer is correct (as it works for shortest ...
RDC_Green's user avatar
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Converting .shp polygon from EPSG:4326 to EPSG:3857

GIS newbie at a loss for solutions here. I've drawn and mapped out a shapefile with 51 features in QGIS based on administrative region data which has been in EPSG:4326. I would now want to convert ...
eulinean's user avatar
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Point layer is not projecting on the correct location in QGIS

I have two shapefiles both projecting on EPSG:28351 GDA94 MGA Zone 51, one is in polygon and the other one is in points. Points should be sitting on top of the polygons but when I load these two ...
Alex Yu's user avatar
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Why am I getting this error when creating a DEM?

I'm using QGIS and trying to create a DEM using this tutorial: I'm getting error messages when trying to run "natural neighbor" with my file of ...
DanG's user avatar
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Basemap and shapefile CRS issues [duplicate]

I am trying to overlay a timeseries shapefile over a geographic basemap, but the coordinate systems are not the same. I have set the project CRS to EPSG:4326, hence making the basemap in lat/long. ...
QTPIE's user avatar
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QGIS QNEAT3 Iso-Area as Interpolation (from Layer) - error regarding projected coordinate system

I am new to QGIS and I want to create Iso-areas using the "Iso-Area as Interpolation (from Layer)" tool from the QNEAT3 Plugin to visualize areas dependent on the distance to a layer. I used ...
user195488's user avatar
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Calculating area and projection using QGIS

I am facing problem calculating area and projection in general, using QGIS 3.18.3. preface: I am using EPSG: 32643 projected CRS. I aim to compute area and the result is fine correct in this image. ...
spatial-user's user avatar
3 votes
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How can Cartesian and ellipsoidal perimeters and areas be so different in an EPSG:3857 layer?

For a particular polygon of mine in a "EPSG:3857 - WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator" layer, the derived measurements QGIS reports are: Ellipsoidal perimeter: 1015 m Cartesian perimeter: 1218 m ...
Geremia's user avatar
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QGIS - Misaligned vector layers

I am using QGIS Version 3.16.4-Hannover and Windows 10 but I also tested on Linux Mint 20. I have a problem with several imported shapefiles from different sources. I do not know if I do something ...
Alrik's user avatar
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Issue with GPKG imported in QGIS

I am starting to use QGIS and have been struggling to get a GPKG package to sit properly. This package contains the London conservation are information, which can be downloaded from the link below: ...
David's user avatar
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HDF5 coordinate reference system problem

I have a set of HDF5 files, and I would like to cut and convert them to tiff files, but I am having troubles with the coordinate reference system. An example file is: "HDF5_LSASAF_MSG_LST_MSG-...
Andrea's user avatar
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