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Change background color of highlighted feature layer ArcGIS JavaScript

I have a feature layer and I am highlighting the feature of the feature layers on click. It is working fine. Now what I want is, I want to change the background color / fill some color in that ...
Arpit Aggarwal's user avatar
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polyline second path to draggable div

How can I simply draw a line between two lat long coordinates values on a map using ESRI ArcGIS JS API?! This most basic task is taking a gruesome amount of effort. I am able to draw a line with the ...
Lieutenant Dan's user avatar
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ArcGIS Server - Print Map aynschronously using Map_Only template

I'm trying to print a Map asynchronously using the ArcGIS printing tools. I'm successfully able to print the map using any template other than "MAP_ONLY". When i use "MAP_ONLY" template i get this ...
Ravi's user avatar
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ArcGIS Server - Print Map Task result retrieving

I have an application where i'm printing a map on one page and would like to display the result in a PDF when the user goes to the summary page. The print task takes about 4-5 seconds to return the ...
Ravi's user avatar
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What is the process for using data in various projections with the ESRI JS API v4.8?

We have an extensive collection of GIS data sitting in ArcSDE, exposed via map and feature services, and already in a regional (projected) coordinate system. We are starting to explore building web ...
DenaliHardtail's user avatar
2 votes
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ArcGIS Javascript API - Limit Map extent to a 100 mile radius

I'm using ArcGIS JavaScript API 3.24 and im displaying the location of a lat/long and displaying features of a feature layer with 50 miles of that lat/long. Is there way to limit the extent to a 100 ...
Ravi's user avatar
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ArcGIS JS API 3.x - Update the default selected feature highlight styling when a pop up displayed

I'm displaying a pop up when a feature is selected on feature layer. I'm also highlighting the polygon boundary with a red line but when the pop up appears the highlighter changes to aqua color which ...
Ravi's user avatar
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Labeling a 2D feature layer in ArcGIS javascript API 4.x

I'm in the process of updating my application from ArcGIS JS API3.x to 4.7. I'm unable to add labeling to a feature class. As per ESRI, they support labeling only for 3D or a MapImage layer in 2D. In ...
Ravi's user avatar
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ArcGIS Javascript API - Update Renderer when a Feature Layer record is selected

I'm using ArcGIS JavaScript API to display a map with a feature layer with multiple records. I wrote code to display a pop up when a record is selected on the map. Is it possible to change the color ...
Ravi's user avatar
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2 votes
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Unable to increase Esri Map size

I have a basic web app that loads an ESRI base map. The index page looks like this: The JavaScript code: function (Map, FeatureLayer, LabelLayer, InfoTemplate) { var map; ...
Ravi's user avatar
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BasemapGallery loading event [closed]

Can we find the event when basemapGallery is completely loaded in ArcGIS JavaScript API 4.4 ? When try to find the items in basemapGallery view model, it is taking sometime to get it loaded, currently ...
Shamnas Pc's user avatar
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ArcGIS Javascript, add headarrow in the end of line?

Ok so I'm planning to add arrow in the last coordinate point. var line = new Polyline(wgs84); var b = 0; var a = 0; // console.log(hasilarray); arrayUtils....
Marionette Readram's user avatar
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clear map zoom and geometries of feature layer

i have selected feature(feature layer) from combobox and it zoom to the feature . now i want to clear combobox slection and map . and zoom map to its default zoom. //combobox selection clear ...
Sarah Salar's user avatar
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Converting Coord extend Lambert II (WGS84) to Geographical coordonate (lat lng) using ESRI API

I am using the esri API and I am facing an issue to convert Coordinate extend Lambert II to Geographical coordinate. For example : x : 633951 y : 1959059. I have try to use webMercatorUtils like ...
Naqued's user avatar
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Create a Map scale for Geodesic circles

I need some guidance. I'm using an ESRI Base Map with Web Mercator projection(Wkid - 102110) in an web application using JavaScript. I'm drawing geodesic circles on the Base Map for a given radius ...
Ravi's user avatar
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CMV (Configurable Map viewer) - Possible to use "Custom TiledMapServiceLayer" as a basemap?

Is it possible to use a "Custom TiledMapServiceLayer" as a Basemap? Is it possible to show a "Custom TiledMapServiceLayer" in BasemapGallery?
Ranga Tolapi's user avatar
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Defining custom basemap gallery in ArcGIS API for JavaScript?

I'm using arcgis js spi for 3.13 edition, when I using basemaptoggle widget from is ok, but when defining my own basemap is doesn'...
J Rao's user avatar
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ArcGIS API for JavaScript QueryTask for user's own map

I am using ArcGIS online to create a web map and then I want to query this web map using ArcGIS API for JavaScript. In the tutorials I read I see var queryTask = new QueryTask("http://sampleserver1....
pancy1's user avatar
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Should I use Basemaps or Layers to overlay two maps?

I'm trying to create a map that essentially has two maps on top of each other (chosen from many map choices) at the same time. One of maps will have an opacity slider. Should I be trying to use two ...
Programmer's user avatar
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Map Spatial Reference

I was having some trouble when trying to zoom to certain point in ESRI base map. So basically I got an ESRI base map and added a map overlay on top of it: function setMap() { function init() { ...
20 Cents's user avatar
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What is the proper "title" property for the Terrain with Labels Basemap?

EDIT: Actually this posted link ended up helping me quite a bit but don't mark it as duplicate because the problem I had using it stemmed from needing to define the map before defining the ...
jbchurchill's user avatar
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Esri basemap render speed abnormally slow in Chrome

Summary of Issue: In my project, using the oceans basemap from Esri is very slow to render when zoomed in very close (for Chrome only). Topo is also slow at high zoom levels, but it is bearable in ...
hedz09's user avatar
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Converting Google Maps API to DOJO/ArcGIS API for JavaScript? [closed]

I have a GIS webpage in HTML5/JavaScript using the Google Maps API. I found out we can no longer use the Google Maps imagery provided, and I need to switch to ESRI Imagery (free). Can someone help ...
Bob C's user avatar
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Getting BaseMapToggle error from ArcGIS API for JavaScript?

I'm having a problem with my Web Application. I try to fit in a legend and a BasemapToggle but it doesn't seem to work. My Code looks like this: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <...
Simmal's user avatar
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Arcgis basemap with proxy.ashx not loading correctly

I have a .Net application using the JavaScript API to draw a map. I use the proxy.ashx file to proxy requests to secure map services (dynamic tokens), configured in proxy.config. I added an entry into ...
tr3v's user avatar
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How do I modify the "Playlist" Storymap to include a basemap switching widget?

I'm fairly new to HTML and the ArcGIS Javascript API. I would like to modify the default "playlist" storymap template to include a basemap gallery widget. Can someone help break down the steps to do ...
Btelliot's user avatar
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Get displaylevels/zoom level javascript API

Is there any way using JavaScript API to get the current "displayLevels" of the basemap or "basemap zoom level" or "basemap scale" of the map and if it was more/less than certain number I change the ...
KDot1254's user avatar
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Changing basemaps with different spatial references (ArcGIS Javascript)

I've got a new requirement to switch basemaps that have different spatial references. The app is using ArcGIS Javascript, and switching to Silverlight is not an option at this point in development. I ...
Jaq's user avatar
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Feature Layer Web Mercator Service is too slow in IE and zooming does not work in FF

I am facing issue of Feature Layer being too slow and hangs browser , we changed the projection system to WebMercator performance increased in FF but in IE it sill hangs.when i zoom in FF it hangs ...
Anil's user avatar
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Using offline basemap

My app needs to work offline because we have problems with signal internet 3G and can't downloading images from our servers. Somebody know how can do it ? Now I'm using API Arcgis JS 3.1 and my ...
Rômulo's user avatar
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Using own basemap with ArcGIS API for Javascript?

I'm trying to make a map using the Javascript API. I want to use my own basemap, but I can't find the most simple code to do this. I always see something like this: function init() { map = ...
ianbroad's user avatar
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How can I get the map to repeat to fill the screen?

I'm programming my first ArcGIS application. I've created a simple map. When I zoom out to a world view, the map doesn't fill the width of the screen. Ideally I'd like it to repeat until the available ...
Jude Fisher's user avatar
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Use OpenStreetMap in Basemapgallery - Manually

I don't know how to add the OpenStreetMap to the basemapgallery. I want to do this manually because when I use ShowARCGIS basemaps:true I get too many base maps that I don't use. Here's my code: ...
Babboe's user avatar
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How to Change the Default Displaying Order of Esri Basemaps in basemapGallery?

I just started using ArcGIS JS APIs. In my app, I want to combine a few ESRI basemaps with my own basemap service. I am using basemapGallery dijit to change basemaps. By default, basemapGallery shows ...
Simon's user avatar
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Basemap Gallery Error - ESRI JS API

I'm getting an error when trying to switch basemaps in my application(right now only works in IE9). TypeError: Unable to get value of the property '_basemapGalleryLayerType': object is null or ...
Craig's user avatar
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