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Copying feature class to file geodatabase without its related domains

I am using the "Feature Class to Feature Class" tool to copy a feature class from an enterprise geodatabase to file geodatabase, but I would like to strip the output feature class (and its ...
Matt Goodman's user avatar
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Creating relationship database in ArcGIS Desktop

I am creating a file geodatabase with a feature class. I have created attribute columns in which a few of them have domain value YES/NO but when I select, NO, I have to provide a measurement value as ...
BPS's user avatar
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Creating related field Domains for ArcGIS Desktop

I have been trying to create a new feature class for entering habitat data for ArcGIS Desktop (10.3.1 if relevant). I have been using the coded Domain function to create drop down lists of applicable ...
Kay's user avatar
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Domains not connecting to create drop down list?

I am trying to create a file geodatabase with features that have drop down list. I have tried going about this by creating a file geodatabase then adding in feature classes by going to new> Feature ...
Taylor's user avatar
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Domains tab missing in geodatabase properties?

I'm fairly new to ArcGIS Desktop. I started working on a feature layer in a new geodatabase yesterday, adding attribute fields and creating coded domains for them. However today when I opened it up ...
sheffy17's user avatar
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Failure to copy domains ARC copy file geodatabase?

I am using ARC copy file geodatabase to convert my current file database to an earlier version. I have made all features visible in the table of contents and when I invoke the tool the table of ...
Brianknell's user avatar
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Created coded domain that didn't eliminate excluded entries

While working on a geodatabase, I created a coded domain that was designed to restrict a "Sp_Code" (species code) field to an approved list of ~80 species. I loaded data I knew had bad species codes ...
Jake's user avatar
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Merging several feature classes into one pre-existing feature class in geodatabase with coded domains?

I have several point feature classes that I want to merge into one pre-made feature class with coded domains. The pre-made feature class already has all of the fields named (although differently from ...
GB11's user avatar
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3 votes
5 answers

How to Transfer Domain from one Geodatabase to another?

How do I transfer Domain to another .gdb in ArcGIS?
Jim Richalds's user avatar
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Importing Shapefile to File GDB with domains and coded values

If I have a shapefile with attributes and values that I need. What happens when I import it into a GDB with domains for that attribute? Say in my shapefile I have a feature with attribute 'TYPE' with ...
jtgis's user avatar
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Feature class' default domain for a field is still locked to an older domain

I have a field within a feature class that I had assigned a coded text domain to, but then created a different coded text domain with updated information that I then pointed to as my new domain ...
GIS_Tech's user avatar
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Coded value domains, Allow Null Values = no. Why does it default to zero?

Trying to use Coded Value Domains with Allow Null Values = No in a File GDB, ArcGIS 10.2. Through an GIS.SE question that I can't seem to find again, I found this through ArcGIS help: "Note: The ...
Tangnar's user avatar
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Selecting multiple coded values for domains

Is it possible to setup a domain that allows for the selection of multiple coded values? I have setup an app that allows field staff to do inspections at various field sites by asking them preset ...
rspencer38's user avatar
7 votes
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Using File Geodatabase coded domain with ArcGIS Online?

I created a File GDB and set up a domain, and the domain was assigned to a field in a feature class. The domain behaves as expected on ArcGIS Desktop (dropdown list when editing the content of that ...
xyk's user avatar
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Entering value greater than Range Domain maximum?

I created a range domain in a file geodatabase. The type is short integer and ranges from 0 to 200. The domain was assigned to a new column I created. But I could still enter a value greater than 200 ...
alextc's user avatar
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How to create a range domain in ArcGIS with an interval of 10

I need to create a range domain in a file geodatabase. The user will be able to select a value ranging from 0 and to 200 with an interval of 10. For example, 0, 10, 20, ..., 200. How can I make and ...
alextc's user avatar
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Batch Assign Coded Domain Values with Multiple SubTypes?

I have a File GeoDatabase (v10.0) with multiple layers. Each layer has a range of Subtypes (1 to 20+). I have created coded domain values that I would like to assign to their appropriate field. I ...
Ryan Garnett's user avatar
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How to find which subtype using which domain?

I'm trying to delete domain, but i can't because it is in use at an attribute domain. How can I find out at which layer and which subtype ? I have a big geodatabase with more than 30 layers an each ...
Dror Har Gil's user avatar
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How to add coded value to domain?

I wish to add a new value in my domain and I get this message : An invalid SQL statement was used [UPDATE GDB_Domains SET DomainName = 'Statut_Pygargue',Description = Statut de l'activite du nid', ...
GeoBob's user avatar
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Copying Domain and Subtype from File Geodatabase?

Is there a way to copy the domain from one Dataset to another? I have a series of layers in Dataset A and I want to split the layers in to tiles using the Intersect tool; saving them in Dataset B. ...
Ryan Garnett's user avatar
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