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Understanding ArcGIS Flow Direction pixel values?

The range of values in my flow direction raster is 1-129. D8 method was used. I would expect 128 to be the largest value in accordance with the documentation what's more I show values OTHER THAN 1,...
Zipper1365's user avatar
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Multiple Output for Zonal Statistics as Table [closed]

I am trying to merge NDVI data from 2005 to 2018 (two .tif per decade) with a region land use. For this, I have used "iterate rasters" with 36 of .tif I'll be using, as the 'Input value raster' of ...
Nour's user avatar
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Incorporate treeline in viewshed analysis

I have performed a bare-earth viewshed analysis of a roadway corridor using a DEM, but upon further inspection on Google Streetview, realize that part of the road has dense trees along it. I need to ...
Angela's user avatar
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Running ERDAS Imagine and ArcMap on same machine [closed]

ArcMap 10 and ERDAS 8.7 were already installed in my computer. But I want to open both programs at the same time. If ArcMap can open properly, ERDAS cann't open and vice versa, showed that following ...
Bandrush Barda's user avatar
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Error: Intersect 2 polygons in Python. Record's geometry not match: 'GeometryCollection' != 'Polygon'

I'd tried replicating intersecting two shapefiles from Python or command line by anna-magdalena which requires intersecting two shapes. I used @gene answer for that: import os from shapely.geometry ...
gonzalez.ivan90's user avatar
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Image Dodging (color matching algorithm) in ERDAS

I have two LISS 3 images acquired in Feb and March a year apart. I have performed atmospheric correction (haze reduction) for both the images individually before applying the color matching algorithm ...
Deepthi's user avatar
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Missing buffer values when using zonal statistics in ArcGIS Desktop?

I am using zonal statistics in ArcGis 10.2.2 to calculate the mean value of fire frequency within 1km buffers. However, I have noticed that this is not being calculated for all of my sites. There are ...
I.Stirs's user avatar
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Aspect function creating empty raster using ArcPy

I am trying to derive the aspect from an elevation file. When I run the function it creates a new file but the file is empty. my code: import arcpy, os from arcpy import env from import * env....
Aaron Gibson's user avatar
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Cell Size parameter for IDW (Spatial Analyst) tool

I am attempting to use the IDW (Spatial Analyst) tool in a Python script however I am a bit confused on what to put for the "Cell Size" optional parameter. When using the tool within ArcMap it seems ...
landocalrissian's user avatar
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Determining Upslope and Downslope from Line Features to Map Hydrologic Capture Zones

I am trying to map hydrologic capture zones (HCZ). HCZ's are contributing areas upslope of any potential capture feature (i.e. road, pipeline path, railroad line), that would alter/impact the natural ...
jbrengel's user avatar
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Connecting address points to nearest part of a road network that has matching street name

In ArcGIS Pro (or ArcMap), using built-in Esri geoprocessing tools, how can I create connection lines between address points and the nearest part of a road segment with a matching street name (e.g. '...
Matt Goodman's user avatar
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Calculating first quartile of a raster by zonal statistics?

I want to calculate the 1st quartile (25th percentile) of a raster (beneath polygons) using zonal statistics but it does not this option. Zonal statistics has: MIN, MAX, MEAN, MAJORITY, RANGE, and ...
Khandan's user avatar
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Using Combine function of ArcGIS Spatial Analyst?

I am trying to use the combine function on ArcGIS 10.3 for Desktop. I have two raster files that have the same values and I want to combine them in order to compute an accuracy assessment through ...
PiRho's user avatar
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Distance to, travel only on one surface

Looking to create a distance to wetland raster. However this travel distance must be through the water only. I have tried setting land to a high cost (e.g. 99) however doing so I have to set each ...
Eric's user avatar
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Zonal Statistics As A Table missing Features in Results?

I have a point shapefile that includes parcel centroid features across a county in Pennsylvania. I am trying to get a sense of the percentage of forest land within half-mile and mile buffers around ...
Andy B's user avatar
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Layer stacking Sentinel 2 imagery

Is it possible to layer stack all 13 Sentinel 2 bands or can I only layer stack those that are the same resolution (so for example the blue, green red and NIR bands). I have a very large area of ...
Simba06's user avatar
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Creating SpatialPolygons in R

I am trying to do kriging with my data. But there is a problem here. I want to use krige command in gstat package. But I do not have "Spatial object with prediction/simulation locations". How I can ...
mohammad gerami's user avatar
-1 votes
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Using in ArcMap gives Error 000824 tool is not licensed?

My Arcpy code is not working in ArcMap 10.1 because an error with the last line: Error 000824: The tool is not licensed. I have all my extensions turned on, so I don't know why I would be ...
AF2k15's user avatar
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How do I subset image by vector layer using Erdas Imagine?

I have downloaded MODIS MOD10A2 8 day snow cover image. I need to subset this image. I tried to subset the image in erdas. it says the AOI layer is empty.
Ankit Tewari's user avatar
-3 votes
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Spatial Analysis issues [closed]

I have this layers: This one is the main layer (all of them are small polygons) And this buffers I need to cover all (or most part) of the pink polygons. So I decided to make centroids (Only to keep ...
Jeff_Barahona's user avatar

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