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Questions tagged [esri-coverage-format]

Coverages are an Arcinfo-Workstation composite datatype that can contain any combination of points, lines, polygons, and annotation.

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1 answer

Importing shapefiles made up of .adf files to ArcGIS Online

I am trying to download this shapefile and get it into a format that ArcGIS Online will accept. The shapefile is primarily made of .adf files.
Nadav Bendavid's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to import from E00 Interchange File with ArcGIS 10.8?

I have a dataset in old ArcInfo E00 Interchange format. In the past I could extract the data from this by using the "Import From Interchange File" tool in the Coverage toolbox, however this ...
Midavalo's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is Clip (coverage) in ArcMap not working?

Clip Analysis and Clip Data Management work fine, but I cannot open the tool or the help menu for Clip Coverage. Does this sometimes happen because the tool requires an extension to run?
Worcester_Student's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

How is the Arc coverage "regions" data format represented in shapefiles and geodatabases? [duplicate]

Prior to shapefiles and geodatabases, the default ESRI vector data storage format was the coverage. Later iterations of the coverage included the regions concept, whereby (for example) multiple ...
user45726's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Open ArcInfo files in QGIS

I was given some data sets to create maps in QGIS. Most of them were shape files, but some of them are in a format I am not sure about. For example it is a folder called "Rivers", containing AAT.dbf, ...
Eva's user avatar
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1 answer

cannot delete row from coverage with updatecursor

I am able to update without any issue or error but when I try to delete a row I'm getting an error, see below for the code and error I can't see why it would fail. import arcpy def count_row(data): ...
Fredou's user avatar
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1 answer

Coverage map display using .adf files

I am trying to load a coverage map onto Arcgis for desktop using .adf files that I downloaded from a county supported filezilla server. I am not experienced with coverage maps, however I have reason ...
Paul Greve's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Joining dBase (*.dbf) table to Coverage?

I have a dbf table and a polygon coverage. How do I join and save the joined data to the coverage without exporting to feature class and then re-creating a coverage in python? I have been looking at ...
D_C's user avatar
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How to use coverage tools in arcpy?

I have a process in which I need to use coverages. I can create the coverages just fine using FeatureClassToCoverage_conversion within arcpy but trying to union 2 coverages together does not work in ...
D_C's user avatar
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2 answers

Converting Feature Class to Coverage in ArcPy?

Not much info out there these days on coverages in PYTHON. I need to convert a feature class to a coverage but cannot find out how to do it in python. All I have found is "http://resources.esri....
D_C's user avatar
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0 answers

Converting pre-ADF coverages to current shapefiles?

I have a set of old coverage files, published at 1995-1996 in a CDROM by an official mapping authority. They were, therefore, made with ArcView 1.x and don't have the ".adf" extension. The files that ...
user2019840's user avatar
27 votes
4 answers

What is the difference between Coverage, Shapefiles and Geodatabases in ArcGIS?

I was wondering about the difference in spatial data storage methodology used by Coverages, Shapefiles and Geodatabases in ArcGIS. Coverage was the initial format, followed by Shape Files and now ...
Abhishek Potnis's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Converting Coverage files into shapefiles?

I am attempting to convert coverage files into shapefiles using arcpy. This is not the e00 files, but the bin files. ArcGIS help suggests that it can be done using ...
Ryan Bertram's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Why isn't Generate (Coverage) Tool working?

I'm using ArcMap 10.2 and I have the Advanced Licence, but when I try running the Coverage (Toolbox) it does not seem to work. Any advice on what is going wrong? I am trying to Generate Coverage. I'...
Madacify's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to merge (append) ArcInfo coverages that are inside folder structure using ArcPy?

I'm having a bad time trying to create a script capable of merging a list of arcinfo coverages located inside a folder structure. My goal is to merge the coverages named "car" that are inside each of ...
Guillermo.D's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to use ogr2ogr for batch conversion? [duplicate]

I have a thousand of arc coverage would like to covert to shapefile. How can I use the ogr2ogr to convert it in batch rather than convert it one by one? It takes a lot of time! Any idea?
wing suet cheung's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

how is the command of ogr2ogr for converting the adf to shp?

What is the correct format of ogr2ogr for converting the ADF grid to SHP file? I tried this, but it fails. $ ogr2ogr -where "OGR_GEOMETRY='Point'" -f "ESRI Shapefile" SHP.shp ADF.adf
wing suet cheung's user avatar
-1 votes
4 answers

Generate_arc -- Not familiar with its usage and inputs/outputs

I'm using ArcGIS Advanced in order to generate a coverage (I've never worked with coverages before --nor ArcGIS really, know the basics, but not this). I am trying to write a python script to generate ...
TheLastGIS's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to merge multiple ADF files to a single shapefile? [duplicate]

I have a set of adf file which use the same structure. How can I merge all ADF to shp file? Does the ogr2ogr command can help in this case?
wing suet cheung's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

What is the ArcGIS equivalent to WEED tolerance?

Example: User is digitising new (line, poly) features and accidentally adds additional vertices within very small distance of previous vertex, resulting in redundant vertices. I want to prevent this ...
gt13's user avatar
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1 answer

Temporal coverages dynamically reloaded from data store in GeoServer

I'm pretty new to GeoServer. I would like to serve results of a simulation that concerns geospatial data as a Web Coverage Service (it has to be OGC compliant). The individual steps of the simulation (...
gregorej's user avatar
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21 votes
2 answers

Loading *.adf files into QGIS

How do I load .adf files into QGIS?
com's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

How to convert coverage (.adf) to shapefile?

Is there any tool or software except ArcGIS which I can use for converting coverage (.adf) files to shapefiles?
againstflow's user avatar
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Accessing PAT,NAT of coverages using arcobjects

I want to access the polygon attribute table (PAT) and node attribute table (NAT) of an arcgis coverage using arcobjects VBA, is this possible?
user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Assessing OpenStreetMap coverage for international routing

I posted the following question on the main StackOverflow website, but was informed that I might get a better response here. Hence I'm copying it below. Note however, that I have an active bounty on ...
winwaed's user avatar
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3 answers

What is ArcGIS for Desktop (and Geodatabase) equivalent to Regions of ArcInfo Workstation Coverages?

Here's one for those who've been around the block a few times. ArcInfo Workstation from days of yore had an intelligent data model called Regions or Region sub coverages. With this model one could ...
matt wilkie's user avatar
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