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7 votes
2 answers

Removing duplicates from field using ArcPy with ArcMap

I am using ArcPy with ArcMap. I need to remove duplicates from a field named "Intersecti" Here is my code. I used list..set. It's not removing any duplicates. import arcpy duplicates = &...
sys's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

How to delete multiple fields in an attribute table?

Is there a way to select multiple fields in an attribute table and delete them together in Arcmap without writing the script?
Arash's user avatar
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6 votes
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What event is fired when a feature is edited?

When the user draws a new feature (line, point, etc.) in ArcMap, there are null attributes. If the user enters values in these null fields what is the event that is fired? I want to control the ...
IBRA's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Renaming field via ModelBuilder?

I joined some fields to my tables and now I need a tool or something to change that field's name. How can I do this in ModelBuilder? I didn't find any tool to do that.
AndM's user avatar
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1 answer

Creating buffers with values, and finding areas with high value overlap of these buffers

I'm working on a project where, essentially, I'm measuring threat levels based on geospatial patterns. I have different groups with higher or lower threat levels based on the distance from their ...
Bryan Parent's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Adding name of each shapefile polygon to its attribute table with add field using ArcMap ModelBuilder

I have converted raster files(tif) to polygons. Each of them has 3 fields in its attribute table: id=0, fid=0, shape=polygon zm. How can I add the name of each polygon to the attribute table? As you ...
coral's user avatar
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CalculateField_management, python Toolbox

I am trying to fill a field and I am using arcpy's CalculateField_management function. I want to fill the new field with the name of the shapefile, so I am using arcpy.Describe. But when I run the ...
MikV89's user avatar
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Using ArcPy to Rename Feature Class by Field?

I made a little model and at the end I want to rename the feature class file to something based on the fields in that feature class. I want to rename that feature class by the date the data was ...
Daniel LaFlash's user avatar