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First field gets cleared (if time field) in QGIS Attribute Table

I recently noticed a strange bahavior in QGIS (currently working with version 3.34-7): When the first field of a shapefile is named "time" (I regularly work with GPX files exported to ...
M S's user avatar
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Deleting special characters from QGIS Attribute table

Is there a way to delete special characters such as *? I've tried using replace and regexp_replace, but my version at least doesn't recognise special characters. There are hundreds of fields, and I'm ...
Kai's user avatar
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Creating new field from another field in QGIS Field Calculator

I am trying to create a new field in QGIS where: if the number in the field "DN"=2, then the new field (a text string) will say "veg" and if the number in the field "DN"...
caroline fales's user avatar
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When deleting attribute from GDB file all the fields in the remaining attributes get deleted as well in QGIS

In QGIS 3.38.2 I have a gdb shapefile with many attributes, let's say A100, A200, A300 and with many fields. When I go to the edit through the "Open attribute table" and delete A200, all the ...
Francis's user avatar
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Expression for closest to zero value

I want to display the closest value to zero from a field in an attribute table from a QGIS layout without having to create a new field. Is it possible?
DobleG_95's user avatar
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Fields that fill in automatically

I want to create a point layer with an ID field that fills in automatically as I digitize a geometry. It's possible? How can I do?
Tommaso Ferrari's user avatar
3 votes
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Deselecting duplicate records in QGIS Attribute table

Several SE-GIS posts describe how to identify duplicate records, such as Identifying duplicate attributes in field using QGIS. I would like to extend this concept by unselecting any duplicate records ...
Stu Smith's user avatar
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Assigning unique ID to new points in QGIS

I want to add a new field to my feature attribute table. In this field, I want to generate a random ID (just a number, like 1, 2, 3, etc.) for every new and existing point I create on the map. This is ...
Agos's user avatar
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Graduated symbology

I have opened a delimited text file with coordinates XY defined in two columns on the file plus two other columns with data and they are represented in QGIS as a point layer. I want to symbolize the ...
DobleG_95's user avatar
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Changed project from QGIS 3.16 to 3.24, now 'NULL' fields turn into '-9223372036854775808'

Been working on a digitizing project on QGIS 3.16.15-Hannover, as I like to use LTR versions for the stability. But, 3.34 introduced an automatically incrementing UUID field, which I find useful. My ...
Nelg's user avatar
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Display information from a different layer in an attribute table in QGIS

I have two different polygon layers we'll call them A and B. I would like to create an attribute table with fields that list areas of A and B (calculated using the $area function in field calculator). ...
Justin Perry Illustrator's user avatar
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Setting a Boolean field to be empty

I have a layer with a Boolean field called bool. I can set the field value to NULL, e.g. using the Field Calculator. When printed via Python, the values are correctly shown as None: >>> layer ...
bugmenot123's user avatar
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Using attributes tables as variables in QGIS

I work for a company where we use the same file when starting a project, with all the print layouts already configured, including the names/themes of the maps, since we usually need the same themes. ...
silf's user avatar
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All values entered using fields with a list of values are transformed into (0)

All values entered using fields with a list of values are transformed into (0) how can we find back the selected values, we lost a lot of work and can't find backups.
E.S17's user avatar
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Matching specific word character in QGIS Graphical Modeller

With the graphical modeller, I try to decode a set of codes: Since the code '_zie' is also contained in the code '_p_zie', I get two matches for '_p_zie'. How can I get two specific Word characters ...
Janko's user avatar
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Assigning new values based on the field calculator and "case when then" in QGIS

I would like to do conditioning in the attribute table consisting of the following action: CASE WHEN "network" = icn_ref THEN '001|' ELSE '' END || CASE WHEN "network" = ncn THEN ...
machollka's user avatar
4 votes
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Using get_feature function with attribute in QGIS

I am trying to wrap a get_feature with an attribute expression to perform the equivalent of a VLOOKUP in Excel. Using the form below I get a NULL result. attribute(get_feature('pointst', 'when', ...
Sethinacan's user avatar
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Separating data in name field so it can be filtered in QGIS

I have some information that I want to filter by some of the fields under the primary name field for ex: "gs_substation" or "gs_feeder_number". But they are unable to be filtered ...
Carlos C's user avatar
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Duplicating certain features based on symbol in QGIS Attribute table

In QGIS 3.28.8 I have downloaded the data for power lines in different parts of Germany from OSM. Some of these lines and cables have different voltages (see below). I can filter those with several ...
eafwnrg's user avatar
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Returning field value based on expression on another field using QGIS expression

I want to return the value from one field ("Number") for the feature with the most recent timestamp ("Time") from within the current layer ('mylayer'). Or what's the number of the ...
Sethinacan's user avatar
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Changing number to bigger than 999 in QGIS

In QGIS 3.28 on Windows, there is a shapefile originally created in QGIS that was imported and worked on in ArcGIS. Now, when I reopen the file in QGIS, the real numbers have a width of 18 instead of ...
i.i.k.'s user avatar
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Get checkbox for Boolean field in attribute table

I have a dataset with a lot of Boolean fields. In the attribute table, they are represented with text (either true oder false). If I click into the cell, I get the checkbox I also get in the attribute ...
e-shirt's user avatar
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Deleting contents of all entries in field in QGIS Attribute table

In QGIS, how can you delete all of the entries in a field in an attribute table? If you go to a particular entry in a field, you can delete that entry, but how can you delete all of the entries in the ...
Mark Polczynski's user avatar
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Converting string variable to number format without creating new variable using Field Calculator in QGIS

I have many variables which are of type string but contain in fact numbers. In QGIS you can convert those strings to numbers by creating a new variable with the wanted numeric type (e.g. integer or ...
i.i.k.'s user avatar
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Saving attribute field comments when making memory layer permanent in QGIS Plugin

My QGIS plugin creates a vector layer (memory) with attribute fields that include comments. Comments are not saved when I "Make Permanent" the layer. I have been able to build a QGIS Python ...
raywannabesurfer's user avatar
7 votes
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Using all columns to find the minimum with QGIS expression

I want to use aggregating functions (min, max, mean, ...) on all the attributes (= columns) within a row. In this topic Finding the minimum value of different columns in QGIS, this is done by calling ...
Honeybear's user avatar
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Creating hyperlink in the attribute table using QGIS

My dataset contains a list of URLs. There is no hyperlink for the URLs to take me to Google Maps. Is there anything we can create to open the locations in Google Maps directly by clinking on the URL? ...
Bruno B's user avatar
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Converting column with category names to numeric codes in QGIS Field Calculator

I use the Field Calculator in QGIS to transform an attribute column with category names to numeric codes. I use the following expression: CASE WHEN "category" = 'Foo' THEN 1 WHEN &...
winnewoerp's user avatar
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Adding automatic numbering of the "id" field in QGIS

I'm working on QGIS 3.22.6 and I would like to find a way for my "id" column to be automatically numbered as geometry is added. I am currently using maximum("id") + 1 within the '...
joeliketoe's user avatar
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Creating a hyperlink in QGIS doesn't work

I have a text in an attribute table that contains a file path. I want a hyperlink to be displayed in the information about the object - in blue, underlined - as I saw in this tutorial: https://www....
Shinobido's user avatar
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Joining attribute tables without columns with the same name in QGIS

I would like to link the two attribute tables (see image). However, as far as I know, I need two columns with the same name for the link. Is there an alternative so that I can link the two attribute ...
vuayalo's user avatar
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Copying attribute table for each layer in QGIS

In QGIS I'm trying to edit attribute tables for a corn planting prescription. I have 50 layers (fields) that all need to have the same attribute table layout. Is there any way to create a template ...
Pharper8532's user avatar
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Converting multiple fields with abbreviations to one field with full names in QGIS

I have a field with singular abbreviations ("BB", "BC", and "BG") that corresponds to a table with full names (catfish, rainbow trout). It ranges from 1-10 abbreviations ...
user222094's user avatar
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Filling several columns based on conditions from column in QGIS

I've got two additional columns that need to be filled with attributes that are based on values created in the field. For example, if column "reproduction" = A2 then the value in the value ...
Eric Walter's user avatar
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Filling attribute column with numbers 1-50 on repeat in QGIS

I have a large file of several hundred thousand polygons. It's too many to have an individual colour, so I want to create a column of numbers to which I can assign a random colour. So how do I create ...
Melanie Baker's user avatar
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Define a unique ID (serial number) based on values in a field

I'm trying to generate a unique serial number for a dataset I have, for example, something like this: As shown, I would like to have a serial field, called SERIAL in this case, that increments based ...
Rodrigo Suárez Castaño's user avatar
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QGIS Symbology - Display more symbols for each point depending on attribute numeric value

I have a point feature layer with some attributes. The numeric value of each attribute stands for the number of items of that attribute related to each point. Is it possible in QGIS to display a ...
HyPhens's user avatar
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Is it possible to join the same table twice in QGIS?

Basically, I have the layers above: As shown in the image, I'm trying to join the layer lines with the layer points two times in a row so the labels of origin_id and extremity_id appear in the ...
Timeless.'s user avatar
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Permanently sorting table so that field of interest is sorted in the same order as the fid in QGIS

Using 3.22.13, consider a non-spatial GeoPackage attribute table containing one text field, named "field_a". This table has the following form: fid field_a 1  B 2  A 3  X 4  C How can I sort ...
Stu Smith's user avatar
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Adding several attachments to one feature in QGIS

I want to add several files (for instance JPEG, DWG, PNG, etc.) as attachments in one polygon attribute field. I created a new field with widget Type - Attachment. But it allows adding only one file ...
Levon Batoyan's user avatar
2 votes
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"Duplicating" the attribute table for many polygons in QGIS

I have about 45 polygons that refer to parcels of land and I want to create the same attribute table for all of them and edit the information/prices afterwards depending on the parcel. "Joining&...
StratsMicha's user avatar
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Filling in missing attribute data based on other features using QGIS expression

I have a survey form and some features (trees) will be grouped using the same "TreeNumber". Hopefully, I can write an expression that means users only have to fill in most of the data for ...
Sethinacan's user avatar
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How can I transform a StringList to one String

I have a column in Qgis with type:"StringList" eg { "name": "William", "height": "1.87", "age": 90 }, { "name": "Mary", &...
giannisgr's user avatar
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QGIS model: save downloaded file with filename based on one of its attribute values

Context Using QGIS modeler (currently with QGIS 3.26.1) with the Download File algorithm, you can use a filename based on an expression and thus are able to give the saved file a name based on e.g. ...
Babel's user avatar
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New field in attribute table with automatic yes or no

I have 2 different layers: one is properties and the other one is park buffer. I would like to add a field in the properties attribute table that says YES if "properties" and "buffer&...
Maria Hernandez's user avatar
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Separate "date and time" field in "date" and "time" in QGIS

I have a column with date and time (yyyy/mm/dd hh/mm/ss) as string. I have the date field already, but the hour field is empty. How can I transfer the hh/mm/ss part to the hour field? I am new to QGIS ...
Barbara Perez de Araújo's user avatar
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Update Attribute Table on clipped shapefiles using QGIS

I would like to find a way to automatically update the attribute table for shps generated from the clipping tool. My interest is to get an updated area calculation. All my new shapefiles would ...
ale.tenorio's user avatar
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New field and joined fields not displaying in attribute table field dropdown in QGIS [closed]

I joined some fields to a layer and also added a new field. These fields display as expected in the layer's attribute table. Now I want to create an expression for one of the new fields but it doesn't ...
AnitaW's user avatar
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Changing field length in QGIS [duplicate]

I want to update the string length for a shapefile layer in QGIS. I've tried opening up Layer Properties and clicking edit but it won't let me change it manually. Also I've tried using the field ...
QGISgreenhorn's user avatar
5 votes
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Getting list of values from column in QGIS

I have one "column D" with a b c values for my entities (1-2-3-4). Something like that : 1. b 2. c 3. c 4. e 5. j 6. b I would like to generate a list of each different value of "...
tonyduky's user avatar
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