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Questions tagged [geokettle]

GeoKettle is a tool primarily aimed at metadata and building geospatial warehouses.

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Converting CSV with Lat/Long to GeoJSON/GeoPackage in Pentaho

I'm new to Pentaho and trying to perform what seems like a basic spatial data conversion with Pentaho GIS Plugins. I have a CSV file containing longitude and latitude coordinates, and I'd like to ...
SamTux's user avatar
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Transform GML to Geometry (PostGIS) in GeoKettle

How can I transform GML (saved in XML file) to Geometry type? I've noticed function 'Geometry from GML' in Calculator but it needs string value with GML. Is there any way to extract it from XML file?...
raido's user avatar
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GeoKettle - inserting geometry into a table

I've got some shapefiles, and need to convert the shapes into an SQL Geometry type and insert them into a table in our database. We're using GeoKettle. I can open the shapefile find and read values ...
user25730's user avatar
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GeoKettle Spatial Reference Transformations

I'm attempting to use GeoKettle to transform some Ordance Survey shapefiles from British National Grid projection into WGS84 EPSG:4326; however, there is a discrepancy in the location of approx 80m ...
BTL's user avatar
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GeoKettle, adding Source Values into Value Mapper

I'm testing GeoKettle to see if it can help me transfer shapefiles from one schema to another. I'm trying to use the value mapper but am finding that all Source Values and corresponding Target Values ...
BTL's user avatar
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Load many shapefiles into PostgreSQL with GeoKettle

I want to automate a process where a user can put a shapefile in a certain map. Kettle will put these files into a PostgreSQL table. I want to make sure that this process can be done without knowing ...
user30058's user avatar
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Is GeoKettle still under development? [closed]

GeoKettle ( is (or was?) a very promising approach to spatial ETL with an intuitive graphical process design, at least introduced an open source ...
Jochen Schwarze's user avatar
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GeoKettle and scheduling transformations / jobs?

Is there any possibility to schedule a transformation or job with GeoKettle? I would like to perform the same task every day.
Patrick M.'s user avatar
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Geokettle Data Input from Oracle Database

i just installed GeoKettle and am trying to do some first steps in this. Can anyone help me with the data input step to an Oracle DB? I tried the OGR Input: But i seem to be unable to find the right ...
Patrick M.'s user avatar
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Use Geokettle to Transform file geodatabase data

I would like to use GeoKettle to transform my file geodatabase data into something else (most likely postgis). Admittedly I am very new to ETL but I am absolutely stumped when I try to define an ...
eclecticlearner's user avatar
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Spatial ETL for MutliLineString [closed]

I'm pretty new to Spatial ETL. In accordance with this question I have experience the geokettle v3 but unfortunately i'm having a several problems working with it. There is some issues that aren't ...
ePascoal's user avatar
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Change Axis Order when transferring data from WFS to PostGIS DB

I am using GeoKettle to transfer data from a WFS service to a PostGIS database. The projection of the geometries is EPSG:4326 : GEOGCS["WGS 84", DATUM["World Geodetic System 1984", SPHEROID[...
Mihai Serban's user avatar
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Seeking Spatial ETL or some other tools? [closed]

I need to read geographic data from an ORACLE spatial database in Gauss Boaga SRS, convert them in WSG84 (EPSG 32632), e put them in another ORACLE spatial data base. I've tried to use GeoKettle 2.5 ...
Cesare's user avatar
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How to use Geokettle to load shapefiles into oracle spatial

I'm looking for an example how to load a shapefile from the file system into an oracle spatial database. What I have so far is: I load the shapefile with the 'Shapefile File input' step I use the ...
ABX's user avatar
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Geokettle transformation for FileGDB to SHP

I want to transform FileGDB layer to Shapefile on Geokettle. Firstly i added OGR Input and than i added a Shapefile Output. And i entered parameters shown on the screenshot but i got errors for ...
mete7's user avatar
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Comparing ArcGIS Data Interoperability with FME or GeoKettle? [closed]

In order to import/extract data from tons of DWG files, I'd like to know experiences with ArcGIS Data Interoperability, and its strong points versus FME or GeoKettle.
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