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Georeferencing Image using saved Link Table from another Image?

I had a scanned map that I did did a georeferenced a few weeks ago and saved the link table. Now I have two more scanned map that need to do the same thing. It is the same area and one of them I did ...
PROBERT's user avatar
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Adding online basemap in ArcMap [closed]

How can I add an external online map in ArcMap by inserting the http address, to use as a basemap in order to georeference multiple aerial photos? I don't really care about the precision of the ...
Nikos's user avatar
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Georeferencing CAD Files and Creating Geodatabase

I'm hoping this is an easy question to answer. I have georefrenced a CAD data set to an orthophoto that was projected in NAD 83, and turned it into a GDB. Even though the GDB is not projected, is ...
user26133's user avatar
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Flattening projected vector dataset to georeference historic map to it using ArcMap

So I have vector data for quad lines, township/range lines and section lines for this area. The data is already projected into NAD83 UTM zone 10N and the lines are no longer straight. They warp ...
Setesh42's user avatar