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Questions tagged [plss]

Public Land Survey System - a georeferencing system used in most, but not all states in the United States for land surveys.

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How to adjust gdaltransform ground control point weighting control?

Let's take a 6 x 6 mile US PLSS township, and house numbers 800 to a mile. Using gdaltransform, given the coordinates of each section corner as our ground control points (-gcp 4800 4800 lon lat for ...
Dan Jacobson's user avatar
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How to find PLSS section corners, given the ring of nodes?

Given a ring of nodes and centroid representing a US Public Land Survey System (PLSS, or Canada DLS) section, find the four corner nodes. Do the same, but without needing the centroid.
Dan Jacobson's user avatar
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How to get the row and column of US PLSS sections?

How to get the row and column of US Public Land Survey System (PLSS) township sections? Sure, looking at a diagram I can quickly fill in a lookup table by hand, section,column,row 1,6,6 2,5,6... 36,6,...
Dan Jacobson's user avatar
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Show final two digits in attribute using dynamic text in ArcGIS Pro

I am making a map of a project. for the dynamic labels it has the township and range values as separate attributes in the table, but the only spot where it identifies the section number is here. The ...
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ArcMap Northing and Easting Starting Point vs. 'Northeast Corner Section 8' difference

I have a legal description that states the section starting point and the Northing and Easting Coordinates. Upon typing the Northing and Easting into my COGO table it is about 20 feet off. Which one ...
tmo's user avatar
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Entering curve 6 call out in traverse table using ArcMap

(Line 5) South 88-58'-07" West 60.00 feet to the southeasterly terminus of a non-tangent curve concave to the southwest and having a radius of 13 feet, a radial of said curve to said terminus ...
tmo's user avatar
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PLSS second division starting point vs Legal State plane coordinates

Why do I have my starting point off by 33 feet from the center of section 25 as shown in the image "A"? "B" is my starting point and "C" is the true starting point as ...
tmo's user avatar
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ArcMap Grid to Ground Click on map for the grid lines

I am using PLSS data found from this California BLM data source to map COGO'ed polygons. I am unsure if I should use the ground to grid correction function. When I do I use the click on the map for ...
tmo's user avatar
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California PLSS Quarter and Quarter Quarter Section Layers

I am trying to find the quarter section and quarter-quarter section layers for the PLSS layers of the state of California. I have the township & range and also the section layers but was unable to ...
tmo's user avatar
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How to find a piece of property on, say, Google Maps using Arizona's description?

How to find a piece of property on, say, Google Maps, using Arizona's description: S2 SE4 NW4 SE4 SEC 5 16N 19 SAC? I found a different one described as: Section: 33 Township: 24N Range: 20W ...
Jeorje's user avatar
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MXD to PDF lines in PLSS are distorted in adobe PDF [closed]

Using ArcGIS 10.7, what is causing my Section lines to blur or darken and thicken as you can see in this jpeg example of mine? I have tried different transparency percentages, moved the feature ...
Zoran's user avatar
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3 answers

Range of numbers for Township and Range

I am creating a GUI for input of PLSS data (Township, Range, Section). There will be 5 pull down or spinner components: Township, North/South, Range, East/West, Section The North/South component will ...
Al Lelopath's user avatar
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Seeking PLSS Quarter of Quarter Sections in Oregon

I'm looking for a quarter of a quarter of a section (PLSS) which is 40 acres in size for the state of Oregon. I looked at several government and Oregon state web site and could not find it. The only ...
doronwen's user avatar
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Unioning PLSS Polygons

I want to union a set of Public Land Survey System (PLSS) polygons in a PostgreSQL/PostGIS layer, based on two fields, ‘sec_qtr’ and ‘qq’. A sample subset of polygons looks like this: I want to ...
Rudy Stricklan's user avatar
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Center points of PLSS sections

Would it be possible to find lat-long pairs for the center point of every section or even quarter section in a state? The accuracy of the point as the center is irrelevant, I would just need any point ...
Ditchmonkey's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Do Public Land Survey System Townships have names? If so, why are they often left out of shapefiles

I am having trouble identifying names for PLSS townships. I am beginning to think it is because I am confusing political townships/PLSS townships/others. Could anyone clarify whether or not PLSS ...
Ray's Web Presence's user avatar
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Determining which latitude and longitude values fall within township/district/polygons

Is it possible to export the boundaries of one layer, as well as the latitude and longitude falling within each boundary, from a program/by programming? I seem to have gotten fairly close to a ...
Ray's Web Presence's user avatar
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PLSS and TIGER 2017 AIANNH dataset

I am having an issue with the PLSS boundaries and AIANNH boundaries aligning with each other. Both datasets are plotting in the correct region, but the difference between the two datasets varies ...
BRK92's user avatar
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An old point layer created from PLSS grid does not line up with current PLSS grid layer

I have two vector layers which I am having trouble lining up. First, I have a point layer that was developed a decade ago to sample information from Public Land Survey System records in Washington and ...
olekss's user avatar
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Duplicate labels in ArcGIS Server REST map service OpenLayers 5

I'm trying to export PLSS grid from ArcGIS map server and I have a duplicate labels in PLSS map service. Using OpenLayers 5 My code mapPLSSTownshipLayer = new ol.layer.Tile({ extent: [-...
yobas yobas's user avatar
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Understanding CadNSDI versus GCDB PLSS datasets difference and accuracy?

I recently submitted some coordinates I acquired via ArcGIS to the BLM to go out into the field and pinpoint some locations. When I did the work at the computer I used ArcGIS and leveraged the BLM's ...
GeoJohn's user avatar
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Seeking Louisiana PLSS GIS data - Converting (Township Range & Section) to Lat Long coordinates in 2018

I have seen this question asked before for other US States, but based upon my understanding of Public Land Survey System, each State has its own reference grid. It appears that the US Government once ...
Justin Kray's user avatar
-1 votes
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Automation of legal description( section - township- Range - Location)

Referring to the snap below, i want to automate the legal decription like W2NE, NENE, NWNE and so on... available inputs are Section, Township and Range info. I am using QGIS 2.8.3. I have so many ...
user128360's user avatar
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PLSS Shapefile for Adams county CO

Where can I find a simple TOWNSHIP/RANGE, SECTION, QUARTER SECTION shapefile for Adams County Colorado?
lkk's user avatar
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How do you account for no geometry at location of overlay during Intersect Analysis?

I have a script that takes a user-provided lat/long, plots it as a point and performs overlay analysis using arcpy.Intersect_analysis() in order to acquire attributes of interest such as land ...
Edward's user avatar
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ESRI Shapefile --> Halliburton GeoGraphix .cdf via Data interoperability

I'm building a landgrid Public Land Survey System (PLSS) file for the state of Oklahoma using ArcMap and the data interoperability extension for use in LMKR's GeoGraphix. I've downloaded section grid ...
gdink1020's user avatar
4 votes
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Using PLSS or BLM Boundaries in Oklahoma?

In Oklahoma should i be using the PLSS or BLM Boundaries I am struggling with: Which Surveying system to use in ArcGIS. The PLSS (Public Land Survey System) or the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) ...
GIS_BLAIR's user avatar
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Plotting PLSS (Township Range Section) Data to ArcMap?

I work for a Tribal Environmental Department and I have been asked to map locations and area of culturally significant sites. unfortunately for me, most of there data Township Range Section format. ...
Abraham_Mclarahmore's user avatar
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Creating a sections polygon layer from tic points

I am working in Arcmap v10.3. I'm trying to create a "sections" (PLSS) layer from the section corners (tics). I know I could convert the points to X,Y coordinates and use the coordinates to create ...
Chris Swanson's user avatar
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Texas and New York Township, Range, and Section GIS Data

I have a number of lat/long coordinates that I need to identify township, range, and section for. I am using QGIS to do it. The coordinates are in different states and I was able to most states' ...
AK9309's user avatar
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5 answers

Convert PLSS (Section, Township, Range, Meridian) to Latitude and Longitude using R package or Python

I have data in the form of Section, Township, Range and meridian. I have 300,000 data points from all over the USA. Is there any way i can write R or python scripts to batch convert all the points to ...
liferacer's user avatar
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Generating properly-aligned shape from land survey description?

I'm looking through a variety of land surveys from construction permits in Florida, and I'm trying to generate a set of lat/lon points from them, in order to map them out. The surveys list a PLSS ...
Ginger Hawthorne's user avatar
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Using well survey data to pinpoint wells from BLM section division

I feel like there has to be a good way to do this in ArcGIS but can't seem to find it. I have well survey's that pinpoint well locations using the FSL (From southern line of section)/FWL (From ...
GeoJohn's user avatar
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Create a PLSS quarter-quarter grid using QGIS

Is there a way to create quarter-quarter sections (of the PLSS township/range/section grid) using QGIS? I've already found but using ...
T.J.'s user avatar
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PLSS shapefiles - alternative to

The BLM's website is down and I'm wondering if anyone knows of a second source for PLSS shapefiles.
Jordan Noret's user avatar
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Creating points from an Annexation Ordinance description [duplicate]

I would like to be able to draw points in ArcMap using information provided by an Annexation Ordinance. I use ArcMap 10.3 with a Basic License Not having much experience in working with documents ...
Nomkins's user avatar
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1 answer

Legal description polygon mapping/creation with ArcPy?

What I have: an excel file with the names of properties within an area that is part of the PLSS in which Township/Range, Section and Lot numbers are used. The file contains a legal description for ...
GeoJohn's user avatar
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Public GIS data for lots within sections of township and range for NM, USA

Anyone know where to find a publicly available shapefile/fc of lot divisions within sections for township and range of New Mexico? I've been to several government websites that offer this type of ...
GeoJohn's user avatar
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Aligning Town/Range with section lines using ArcGIS Desktop?

Is there a tool in ArcGIS Desktop that will allow me to snap or align a township/range layer to the section layer? The layers that I have don't quite line up.
gyoung1986's user avatar
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Flattening projected vector dataset to georeference historic map to it using ArcMap

So I have vector data for quad lines, township/range lines and section lines for this area. The data is already projected into NAD83 UTM zone 10N and the lines are no longer straight. They warp ...
Setesh42's user avatar
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What does it mean if a topographic map is indicated to be "West of fifth Meridian"

The Natural Resources Canada topographic map A 741, 83 C/7, edition 3 has a (bilingual) indication at the bottom stating: WEST OF FIFTH MERIDIAN       OUEST DU ...
gerrit's user avatar
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How to identify township range and section from longitude and latitude

I have several hundred coordinates in an Excel file. I would like to identify the township range and section they are located--what is the easiest way to do this? I have you QGIS and basic GIS skills (...
Oregonian's user avatar
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COGOing Legal Descriptions using ArcMap

I successfully used the COGO traverse tool to create a polygon for a piece of property described in a legal description. My issue arose because it did not line up with data I already have of the area. ...
ZPembi's user avatar
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Does anyone use TRS (Township, Range, Section) data?

I recently had a request for TRS/PLSS data and I didn't know anything about it. I have researched it and it looks like it is purely mathematical (for the most part) based on geo-coordinates but I'm ...
Jeffrey's user avatar
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