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Questions tagged [plss]

Public Land Survey System - a georeferencing system used in most, but not all states in the United States for land surveys.

11 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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California PLSS Quarter and Quarter Quarter Section Layers

I am trying to find the quarter section and quarter-quarter section layers for the PLSS layers of the state of California. I have the township & range and also the section layers but was unable to ...
tmo's user avatar
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How to adjust gdaltransform ground control point weighting control?

Let's take a 6 x 6 mile US PLSS township, and house numbers 800 to a mile. Using gdaltransform, given the coordinates of each section corner as our ground control points (-gcp 4800 4800 lon lat for ...
Dan Jacobson's user avatar
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PLSS second division starting point vs Legal State plane coordinates

Why do I have my starting point off by 33 feet from the center of section 25 as shown in the image "A"? "B" is my starting point and "C" is the true starting point as ...
tmo's user avatar
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ArcMap Grid to Ground Click on map for the grid lines

I am using PLSS data found from this California BLM data source to map COGO'ed polygons. I am unsure if I should use the ground to grid correction function. When I do I use the click on the map for ...
tmo's user avatar
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Unioning PLSS Polygons

I want to union a set of Public Land Survey System (PLSS) polygons in a PostgreSQL/PostGIS layer, based on two fields, ‘sec_qtr’ and ‘qq’. A sample subset of polygons looks like this: I want to ...
Rudy Stricklan's user avatar
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Determining which latitude and longitude values fall within township/district/polygons

Is it possible to export the boundaries of one layer, as well as the latitude and longitude falling within each boundary, from a program/by programming? I seem to have gotten fairly close to a ...
Ray's Web Presence's user avatar
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ESRI Shapefile --> Halliburton GeoGraphix .cdf via Data interoperability

I'm building a landgrid Public Land Survey System (PLSS) file for the state of Oklahoma using ArcMap and the data interoperability extension for use in LMKR's GeoGraphix. I've downloaded section grid ...
gdink1020's user avatar
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How to find PLSS section corners, given the ring of nodes?

Given a ring of nodes and centroid representing a US Public Land Survey System (PLSS, or Canada DLS) section, find the four corner nodes. Do the same, but without needing the centroid.
Dan Jacobson's user avatar
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How to get the row and column of US PLSS sections?

How to get the row and column of US Public Land Survey System (PLSS) township sections? Sure, looking at a diagram I can quickly fill in a lookup table by hand, section,column,row 1,6,6 2,5,6... 36,6,...
Dan Jacobson's user avatar
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ArcMap Northing and Easting Starting Point vs. 'Northeast Corner Section 8' difference

I have a legal description that states the section starting point and the Northing and Easting Coordinates. Upon typing the Northing and Easting into my COGO table it is about 20 feet off. Which one ...
tmo's user avatar
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Automation of legal description( section - township- Range - Location)

Referring to the snap below, i want to automate the legal decription like W2NE, NENE, NWNE and so on... available inputs are Section, Township and Range info. I am using QGIS 2.8.3. I have so many ...
user128360's user avatar