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GetFeatureInfo of a specific GeoServer layer by selecting it from a set of GeoServer layergroup

I have multiple Geoserver layers, suppose 2 here (Rainfall and Maximum Temperature) and I want to extract the feature of that layer which I check/switch in the sidebar, But for now I just get the ...
Abhilash Singh Chauhan's user avatar
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Format tilelayer.wms URL properties such that I add an overlay iteratively to my base map in Leaflet

My base map was created using hard-coded template variables. I am using the leaflet tilelayer.wms constructor and including the URL like so: url: "http://localhost:8080/geoserver/sf/wmsservice=WMS&...
Carl Carlson's user avatar
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non-existing attributes in getfeatureinfo when attribute value is empty

I am trying to build a table in javascript from getfeatureinfo. I do this by this code: function showInfo(evt) { var f = 0; var temstr = ""; if(evt.features.length != 0){ ...
user30058's user avatar
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WMSGetFeatureInfo from two WMS layers with different parameters

I have a map with two layers, which can (and almost always do) overlap. These layers are WMS from GeoServer using SQL views (POSTGIS). They use the same query but with a different parameter. My hover ...
Andy Nichols's user avatar
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Get feature of point shapefile for WMS created in GeoServer?

I created a WMS from a polygon shapefile in GeoServer and next I created a WMS from a point shapefile. Then I wrote HTML code that add WMS polygon and shapefile on a base map and that is done, but I ...
Mohamad Marjani's user avatar
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WMS GetFeatureInfo JSON error

I'm trying to get informations from geoserver with AjaX jQuery of my spatial data at the clicked point using WMS GetFeatureInfo. But I have this ERROR : http://localhost:8082/geoserver/schemas/...
Saifeddine Farjallah's user avatar