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QGIS 3.34 How to avoid this coordinate overlap in the layout composer

I'm using PolyStrip and Atlas to generate some maps from a canal project, then using the angle of the plugin to orientation to the map in layout composer. But some grid coordinates just overlay ...
delkx's user avatar
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QGIS - Create layout grid with lines at specified coordinates [closed]

I am using QGIS 3.34.7 (LTR), my project and layer CRS are EPSG 4326 (WGS84). I have a need to create a 0.5 x 0.5 degree grid in a layout, one each of the x and y grid lines should intersect a ...
acs's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro - How to put grid coordinates on two different lines in layout?

I'm new to ArcGIS Pro and I am a bit confused on how to add a customised coordinate grid in layout. I can add a default grid, but I cant find any way to customise it. I want to create a grid Like this ...
jaymesmc's user avatar
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Stopping graticule labels from overlapping edges using ArcMap

I am using ArcMap. Every time I make a layout I find myself having to convert the graticule to graphics and then delete the edge coordinate labels for one of the axis (since they overlap with each ...
Rodrigo Suárez Castaño's user avatar
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QGIS layout, split grid coordinates from A to Z

I have been using the layout manager to make coordinates for this map. I am fairly new to QGIS so my knowledge is a little limited on how to do this. I have used this code if ( @grid_axis = 'y' , ...
3eternus's user avatar
3 votes
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Straight lines appearing on print layout for ortho projection

I've created an orthographic projection map, and have added it to a print layout. When I then add a lat/lon grid at 10 degree intervals I get straight lines across the image as well as the curved ones ...
Kognos's user avatar
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Setting correct options for grid using EPSG 3004 in QGIS 3.10?

I would like to produce in QGIS a layout with the grid. My project is based on EPSG 3004. I manage to use the grid tool until a certain point, because the coordinates seem very messy. What can I do in ...
Geo_it's user avatar
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When I add a grid "Layout" the units don't match with my map's

When I add a Grid in Layout and select "Map units" and Interval the units still don't match
Valeria's user avatar
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Retrieve scale-value of a specific map in specific print-layout for using this scale in model-builder

I made a model with the model-builder which create a grid with its height- and width-size dependend on the size of a certain map in a certain print-layout. It allready works fine. But that for I need ...
daniel's user avatar
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Adding decimal degree reference grid in ArcMap

How do I add a decimal degree reference grid to ArcMap that is multiples of 2? See attached photos for what I have vs. what I would like. I have tried changing the interval under data frame properties ...
Programmer888's user avatar
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How in QGIS to place the signature of the latitude and longitude of the map corner in the layout?

It must be done as in the example.
GisMan91's user avatar
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Grid coordinate issues in print layout

I cannot get the grid coordinates to show anywhere near the correct values. Have played around with CRS's and had no luck.
Matthew Allison's user avatar
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Setting the coordinates in a QGIS layout right

Apparently the coordinates of my map are false. They are supposed to be something around 53°N/ 12° E. I am using a WMS Layer. How do I get the coordinates right?
Tiril's user avatar
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Excess decimal points showing on QGIS layout grid

I am using QGIS 3.8.1. The intervals of my grid are 1.2cm and the labels are set at a 0.6cm offset so they are placed in the middle. I used the draw coordinates custom option to enter my own ...
tonysdatamodels's user avatar
3 votes
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Graticule will not display in layout view

Problem: I am trying to create a graticule for a map in ArcMap 10.7.1. When I create the graticule and hit "apply", the graticule does not display in layout view or when I export the map. Steps to ...
cgxytf's user avatar
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QGIS Print Layout - Rotation of Grid Coordinates to match map rotation

I have a layout in QGIS where 3 map views are rotated to 35 deg. The grids automatically rotate to match the maps rotation, however the labels do not. Does anyone know a way to make the coordinate ...
Matthew Le Maitre's user avatar
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Dynamic oriented grid using QGIS 3 layout view (grid borders parallel to paper borders)

I use QGIS 3 to create maps with coordinate grid. Often, when I change the extent of a map, my coordinate grid tilts and becomes not parallel with the paper borders. This looks very awful, and I have ...
Comrade Che's user avatar
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Using grid in globe map indicator of ArcGIS Pro?

I'm trying to reproduce a map indicator such as: But in ArcGIS Pro, grids are only available to 2D maps. So far I've got this: Is there a way to add a grid in 3D maps without adding an extra layer (...
aldo_tapia's user avatar
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Setting grid in QGIS that automatically adjust its intervals?

I am setting a template for multiple maps in QGIS 3 Layout and i was wondering if there is a way of automatically adjusting the grid's interval as a function of the scale of the map? I did a bit of ...
Juan Ossa's user avatar
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Putting grid in QGIS? [closed]

I create a layout in QGIS, I'm going to put a grid (LAT and LONG); so the problem is my map scale is too small so the interval must be less than 1 degree.
vanchha's user avatar
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Grid clipping issue in Layout

I'm having an issue making a figure for a poster with ArcMap. I'm trying to make a grid that follows the map boundary in a Lambert Conical projection, and it's not coming out right. The map boundary ...
John G's user avatar
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How to create a two sided ticks labels grid in layout (ArcMap)?

I'm making a planing map. I want to add to the final layout a specific kind of grid: The grid needs to be with a 6 character label that is separated in to two labels. Each one of the labels needs to ...
EranGeo's user avatar
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How to show coordinate on the polygon

I try to set and go to search by help GIS but I couldn't find an answer How to show coordinate on the polygon but I don't show it on dataframe
NO Nvm's user avatar
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