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5 votes
2 answers

Divide grid in smaller cells

My dataset: a shapefile containing squares of 1km size. It's huge, this is just a sample: My aim: divide each cell so that the end result would be the same grid with 500m each cell. Something like ...
Manuel Frias's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Changing grid interval using ArcPy?

I work with ArcGIS 10.3 (Python 2.7.8) and I need to change the grid interval in 70 MXD's. I tried to find Python code that can do it. Currently, the interval in each MXD is 200 meters and I need to ...
newGIS's user avatar
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How to create a fishnet/grid along a polyline or polygon

I am trying to generate a fishnet/grid along a line/polyline or polygon boundary in ArcGis 10.3 or QGIS. While it is totally intuitive and easy to generate a box-standard grid, what I am trying to do ...
Nino's user avatar
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3 votes
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Points equally spaced in polygon, allowing for slope using ArcGIS Desktop?

I need to create a grid of points within a given area so that each point is 75m across the ground from any other point. The fish net tool would create the desired outcome on flat land but I need to ...
Hamish Dean's user avatar
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Changing grid label style in ArcGIS for Desktop?

In all my maps the grid labels looks like: I try to find a way to change it to that label style: I work with version arcview 10.3. I seek in data frame properties-->grid-->style - but didn't found ...
newGIS's user avatar
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Turning off grid using ArcPy?

I work with 72 MXD's files, and i need to turn off the grid in order to export it without the grid. I don't want to do it manually, neither using the "Tinytask" software, as mentioned in Changing ...
newGIS's user avatar
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Create triangles from points on ArcGIS

I'm using ArcGIS 10.3. I need to create a grid where all the points are vertexes of triangles that do not overlap themselves. I want this to be done by only using the points location, no elevation ...
Rebecca H's user avatar
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1 answer

Graticule label orientation

I have a lat/long graticule set in my data frame. All looks good, except that the labels on the right and left read horizontally, when I'd like them vertically. I see them on other maps, so I know it ...
recurvata's user avatar
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Creating rotated fishnet from grid of evenly spaced points in ArcGIS Desktop?

I am working with climate models, so I have a point shapefile representing the grid of data points of my climate models. My points are sort of evenly spaced along both directions, the distance being 1,...
FaCoffee's user avatar
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Inserting Grids and Graticules in ArcScene?

I have searched Grids and Graticules option in ArcScene 10.3 but didn't found there. I am specifically interested to mark Y-axis (as in below map I've prepared in Surfer) to show vertical values of my ...
Dave's user avatar
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