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2 votes
1 answer

Selecting polygon if their centroid falls in another polygon using PostGIS?

I'm trying to select polygons which centroids fall in another polygon: SELECT FROM big_polygon LEFT JOIN big_polygon smaller_polygons ON ST_Within(ST_Centroid(smaller_polygons....
6 votes
2 answers

Filtering by secondary attribute in PostGIS. Issues with NULL

I'm new to PostGIS. I'm trying to perform a dissolve operation on polygons depending on a particular attribute fields called priFunc and priForm. My SQL query is SELECT ST_Union(geom) AS new_geom, ...
2 votes
1 answer

Merging polygons using PostGIS

I need to do a simple merge polygon in PostGIS. The attribute table from both input shapefiles needs to be preserved. This is easily done In QGIS by using the merge polygon tool. But I don’t know how ...
2 votes
1 answer

PostGIS query on having their centroid in the source layer feature

I am trying to port the ArcMap query by location ("Have their centroid in the source layer feature") to PostGIS. The aim is to select all feature that are completely within and touches the ...
5 votes
1 answer

Calculating shortest distance between two tables using PostGIS

I am trying to calculate shortest distance from each point to polygon where idfield match and add the distance to a field in the point table: For the two "A" points the distance is the same,...
1 vote
1 answer

Select domain codes/descriptions using XMLTABLE instead of EXTRACTVALUE

Oracle 18c 10.7.1 GDB: The ArcGIS system table docs have an example for extracting domain codes and descriptions from XML: Example: Resolving domain codes to description values using SQL --simplified:...
2 votes
1 answer

Querying layer in QGIS Model Designer

How can I create a query in a layer using the Model Designer in QGIS, like the example shown in the picture below? How i can make this in Model Designer?
12 votes
2 answers

What are benefits of using ArcGIS with PostgreSQL over simply ArcSDE?

I understand that in order to benefit from ArcGIS spatial datatypes (ST_GEOMETRY, versioned geodatabases etc.) ArcSDE needs to be installed - and with the 10.1 client it is automatically installed (...
12 votes
2 answers

How to UPDATE with LATERAL Nearest-Neighbour query?

Say I have table gps like: CREATE TABLE gps( gps_id serial primary key, measured_timestamp timestamp, geom Geometry(Point,4326), stop_id int --Null ); And I have a table of stops like: ...
0 votes
2 answers

Quering out multiple values in MapInfo SQL Query

I am trying to filter out around 1000 rows and delete them in MapInfo as they are no longer required in the data set. If there was a smaller quantity then I would use an SQL Query but it has its ...
1 vote
1 answer

Splitting polygon into separate polygons using table of individual lines

I have been trying for a while but have not been able to split a polygon at multiple locations, using a table of lines, to get what is on the right side of the above image. The best I can achieve is ...
2 votes
1 answer

"Unable to find driver `MSSQLSpatial'" with ogr2ogr in Windows

I am trying to import an ESRI shape file into SQL Server 2019 under Windows 11. I have a problem similar to Attempting to use ogr2ogr to convert shapefile to SQL Server table; getting error "...
38 votes
21 answers

Connecting to PostGIS database from ArcMap for display and query without ArcSDE?

How can I connect to a PostGIS database from ArcMap using ArcGIS Desktop 9.3 and later? I would like to be able to perform spatially enabled queries and receive the results back (e.g. spatial and non-...
2 votes
1 answer

Find all closest points to unique point in PostGIS

I have two tables valid_collisions (POINT) and intrct_pts (POINT) I want to create a new table using a nearest-neighbor type of query to find aggregate values from my valid_collisions. In essence I am ...
0 votes
2 answers

"AttributeError: ArcSDESQLExecute: StreamExecute ArcSDE Extended error 900 ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement" error when running SQL query via ArcPy

I am trying to run a SQL query in ArcGIS Pro ArcPy and I am getting errors. I have looked into the ArcSDESQLExecute sample query.
0 votes
2 answers

Sampling points in R with both distance constraint and group

I have a spatial point data frame with categorical variable as a column named "type", I would like to draw a random sample from these points (let's say 100 points) with maximum and minimum ...
1 vote
0 answers

Limiting loaded feature from WFS to the extent of feature in another layer with SQL

I am trying to download all the features from a WFS layer (Land_Parcel_Layer) and save them locally. The layer contains the land parcels for the whole federal state in Germany. The service URL is: ...
1 vote
1 answer

Selecting polygon feature classes with one record in Oracle geodatabase using SQL query?

I have an Oracle Enterprise geodatabase with many feature classes. I would like a SQL query to find all the polygon feature classes with only one record in its table. So far, I can only query all the ...
5 votes
1 answer

Difference of attributes between two shapefiles based on similar field in QGIS

My issue is best shown using tables (the issue is only with shapefiles in QGIS): pre-culvert.shp: element_no depth 1 10 4 3 post-culvert.shp: element_no depth 30 44 4 6 Looking for the ...
3 votes
1 answer

In PostgreSQL how to build polygons using lines around each dot

Probably a bit hard to explain but hopefully the image can explain better There are 2 datasets, one is a point, the other is a line. Intended outcome is having polygons based on them The lines form a ...
3 votes
2 answers

Changing values where two geometries are equal otherwise keep value with QGIS Virtual layer

I have two line layers in QGIS, of which one layer (layer 2 - yellow in the image) is a geometrical subset of the other (layer 1- blue in the image). The two layers also differ in their values of a ...
1 vote
1 answer

gpkg filename to add PostGIS table field

Is there a way in ogr2ogr to add gpkg filename to a PostGIS table existing field (filename)? during append? ogr2ogr -f "PostgreSQL" PG:"host='ip' port='port' user='user' dbname='db' ...
0 votes
1 answer

ST_GEOMETRY SQL function to find problem annotation shapes

ArcGIS Pro 2.9.5; Oracle 18c 10.7.1 EGDB; SDE.ST_GEOEMTRY: I have a issue with an annotation feature class: In 2.9.12, I get a "shape integrity error" when I open the attribute table and ...
4 votes
1 answer

Merging PostGIS tables with billions of rows

I'm trying to create a unified high population density dataset using the Facebook "data for good" dataset. Currently their dataset is available as a raster or CSV per catagory (men, women, ...
0 votes
2 answers

ArcGIS Pro: Definition Query > Create new definition query in SQL

I have one point type feature class and another feature class with a polygon. Using ArcGIS Pro, in the feature class type point > Definition Query > create new definition query in SQL. I want as ...
1 vote
1 answer

Correct syntax for filtering of geopackages (SQL)

I already asked about this topic, but I am still struggling. I created a geopackage with railways of Germany. I need to filter some sections out. I understand that geopackages work with SQL syntax for ...
6 votes
1 answer

Joining points using PostGIS

I have a set of points which represents a series of telegraph poles. I want to link them to simulate the wire running along them. The code I've been using is shown below. SELECT DISTINCT ON ( ...
3 votes
1 answer

Filtering subset of records to be used in subsequent SQL statements

I recently posted this question, where the answer involved SQL and a Virtual Layer. In that situation, the SQL acted on the entire input layer, with the output exactly as desired. Now I would filter ...
5 votes
3 answers

Converting multipart MultiPolygon to self-intersecting polygon in PostGIS

Is it possible to convert a MultiPolygon to a polygon when the result is a self-intersecting polygon? I have a bunch of MultiPolygons that are essentially originally formed to be multipolygons because ...
3 votes
2 answers

Convert linestringz to linestringm using alter column?

I am attempting to import linestring data with or without m values, then test whether the data has m values, then add m values to the geometry if they are missing. So far, I have working tests for ...
0 votes
2 answers

Copying raster to SQLite using GDAL?

I want to copy a raster file into SQLite database. Previously, I did the same with vector data like this: def store_vector_output(self, file_name, identifier): from osgeo import ogr drv = ogr....
1 vote
0 answers

Import shapefile using ogr2ogr with a subselect to fill a constraint fails to "cannot open datasource"

I try to import various shapefiles into a postgis database. The shapefiles have some foreign keys referencing other existing (and already successfully imported) tables. ogr2ogr -f "$($json....
0 votes
0 answers

Get vertex of SDE.ST_GEOMETRY polygon using SQL

Oracle 18c 10.7.1 EGDB: I want to write a SQL query that has rows with the XY coordinates of each vertex of an SDE.ST_GEOMETRY polygon feature class. I can do it for a line FC using a cross join, a ...
0 votes
0 answers

Create virtual layer out of three tables

I have a problem with creating a virtual layer. The issue is from a bad Database where the line geometry id is linked to non-geometry tables where the other information is included. In case this is a ...
3 votes
2 answers

Execute sql query from QGIS

I have to tables inside my database (postgis). Now I will do based on QGIS execute a sql-query based on these two tables. How can I do this? There exists a tool "Execute SQL" but there I can only ...
0 votes
0 answers

Calculating road condition score percentages for each zip code with SQL query in QGIS

I have a shapefile that holds information about the condition of a road network that runs across several cities (zip codes): The road network is split into segments of various lengths (meters) Each ...
2 votes
1 answer

Changing geometry column data type in all tables of a schema

I have a database of almost 500 tables. For most of them, the type is set to 'GEOMETRY'. I need to switch the type to be POINT, LINE or POLYGON. Using this query : select f_table_name, ...
3 votes
1 answer

How to fix "failed to prepare SQL" error when creating GPKG file from OSM extracts using ogr2ogr?

I downloaded an OpenStreetMap extract for Europe, to a file latest.osm.pbf: curl \ -o latest.osm.pbf I would ...
1 vote
1 answer

Ogr2ogr Select statement to define new geometry out of given coordinates

I would like to extract and alter place label coordinates from a GML file with cadastral parcel information using ogr2ogr. See part of the GML file at the end of this question. Besides the given place ...
2 votes
1 answer

Convert WKB geometry to WKT

I am using DuckDB in order to access buildings polygons (an open dataset). query = f""" SELECT type, height, level, class, JSON(names) as names, JSON(sources) as ...
1 vote
0 answers

Layer creation by running a SQL query in DB manager tool (QGIS)

I just would like to know if there is a way to create a new layer among the virtual layers of a QGIS project, by running a CREATE TABLE statement in the DB manager tool?
2 votes
1 answer

Aggregate/group points by value, and label aggregated point with aggregate expression (QGIS)

Problem Statement I have a layer of multiple points, and I am trying to: Aggregate/group the points by their attribute values, so that one point is drawn for each group of points with matching ...
3 votes
1 answer

Updating full table instead of matched record problem

I am writing a PostGIS query in which I have to update the geometry column in table A with the value of the geometry column in Table B. Table B contains only 300 Rows while Table A contains more than ...
1 vote
1 answer

Mapinfo SQL Query for comparing edited data in tables

I have a table that contain several columns, each has their own data. then, someone have made some change in the data (just a little one data editing). How do I know later what data have been edited/...
1 vote
2 answers

ST_Distance from one location to others

I have a table that contains different city buildings and want to calculate the distance of all the buildings of a type to another with a specific id using the ST_DISTANCE() function
1 vote
1 answer

Use ST_Distance() to filter a maximum of distances

I've tried to select only the schools/kindergarten that are maximum 1000m distant from the train station. Here is my code SELECT AS "Name", ST_Distance(geom,(SELECT geom FROM ...
2 votes
1 answer

intersect with ST_Buffer in PostGIS

I have a table called "gebaeude" with all types of buildings in the city. In the following I want to use a Buffer around the central train station that has the id="2" and a radius ...
2 votes
0 answers

Calculating risk factors for waste management system using SQL database

I am working on a waste management system where I need to prioritize actions based on risk factors associated with different types of waste, including industrial and sewage waste. The system utilizes ...
6 votes
3 answers

Grouping points to clusters containing similar number of features using QGIS

The question Using QGIS, how to cluster unevenly distributed points from the same layer to groups of about the same size / containing the same number of features? The problem I have a large point ...
1 vote
1 answer

OSM Vector tile ST_AsMVTGeom SQL query Coordinates error

I am currently working on developing a Node.js API with Express to retrieve vector tiles from a PostGIS database. I am using the ST_AsMVTGeom function to transform geometries into vector tiles, but I ...

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