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Questions tagged [mapillary]

a service for sharing geotagged photos

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Retrieve all Mapillary images which show a feature with a particular id

On Mapillary website, users can observe the location of features detected by Mapillary. For example, we can look at utility poles in Eastern Finland: If I click on the image on the left, I can view ...
zabop's user avatar
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How to group/clean group of scattered points based on their distance and attributes?

I downloaded traffic signs from Mapillary API. I found that many of these points represent the same real life entity, but they are scattered in the map. Since they are distinguished by their category ...
588chm's user avatar
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High-quality open-source street view panoramas

We need ~1000 high-quality panorama street view images with location that can be downloaded and used as part of an open-source project. The ideal dataset would be Google Street View Static API, but ...
pir's user avatar
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How do I return GPS Coordinates for specific street signs in Toronto?

I need help returning all GPS Coordinates for street signs in Canada. I used Mapillary to find the locations of these signs but the zoom is too small and it doesn't return any GPS Coordinates. It just ...
Brian's user avatar
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Mapillary depth dataset - am I misunderstanding what depthmaps are?

Mapillary has published a few months ago a dataset of street view pictures along with, according to the website, depth information: "The dataset is generated by running monocular Structure-from-...
Bruno Pérel's user avatar
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Use Exiftools to add a tag with spaces and special characters to an image file [closed]

When I try to upload an image to Mapillary using it's web page based uploader and it's executable I get EXIF Time issue. When I compare a file that uploads correctly and the issue jpg file in ...
GeorgeC's user avatar
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Are there advanced Mapillary sequence editing tools (interpolation, streightening, key photos, etc)

Is there a nicer way to edit Mapillary photo sequences? The online editor is very basic and only allows moving photos one by one.
skfd's user avatar
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Activate / deactivate direction arrows in Mapillary JS

I need to activate / deactivate direction arrows on Mapillary images in a web application built on Mapillary JS. I've tried to build a little code sample to explain .... Here you are the code <...
Cesare's user avatar
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How to synchronize a map (Google Map), Mapillary and Street View?

I've an HTML / Javascript page with three divs: Mapillary images on the left map (Google Map) at center Google Street View images on the right I'm using Google Maps API and Mapillary JS. Here you ...
Cesare's user avatar
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Is it possible to view Mapillary sequences in parallel with Google Street View?

Mapillary (link) provide streetview-like photos of many areas in the world. The same is about Google Street View. I'd like to show a parallel view on the same area about both images ... something ...
Cesare's user avatar
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How to access to Mapillary vector tiles to show all levels (0-16)?

I need to access to the Mapillary vector tiles (???) using Leaflet as they are shown in the Mapillary web site, for example
Cesare's user avatar
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Mapillary JS: mapillary-js storytelling [RouteComponent] hangs

I'm trying to use Mapillary JS (rif., to build a storytelling following this sample This ...
Cesare's user avatar
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Is it possible to view Mapillary photos on QGIS?

Mapillary (link) provide streetview-like photos of many areas. There is a plugin available for the Openstreetmap editor 'JOSM' which provides an interface to view the photos (which is sometimes more ...
Rostranimin's user avatar
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Mapillary Vector Tiles are not shown at every zoom levels in a Leaflet map

I'm trying to load the Mapillary vector tiles layer in a Leaflet map. I'm using Leaflet.MapboxVectorTile (ref. Here you are my code ... ...
Cesare's user avatar
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Loading vector tile layer in Leaflet map?

I need to load a vector tile layer in a Leaflet map. The vector tile is the vector tile layer about Mapillary sequences (look at ...), and the tile URL pattern ...
Cesare's user avatar
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How to get a copy of the raw photo from the Mapillary app

In Mapillary's documentation it says the photos are stored in the "app folder" before upload, and are deleted afterwards. I have looked around the filesystem but can't find them. I don't necessarily ...
fastmultiplication's user avatar