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Questions tagged [exif]

Exchangeable image file format (officially Exif, according to JEIDA/JEITA/CIPA specifications) is a standard that specifies the formats for images, sound, and ancillary tags used by digital cameras (including smartphones), scanners and other systems handling image and sound files recorded by digital cameras.

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Creating a field in QField based on EXIF of photos

Is it possible to create fields that are copy of an EXIF tag of a photo in a different field? i.g taking a photo in the field 'photo 1' and having it automatically populate the field 'photo 1 geotag' ...
kevin's user avatar
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Pull EXIF photo data for ArcGIS Pro Reports

I was hoping to create a Report in ArcGIS Pro that could take photo EXIF information from an attachment and add it to the report. Similar to how Survey123 report does it with the ${picture|getValue:”...
Akane _Ivy's user avatar
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QField Geotagged Photos with NULL direction field

I have some geotagged photos taken in QField on an Android device. Whenever I import these photos into QGIS using the "Import Geotagged Photos" tool, the "direction" field is NULL, ...
nalacour's user avatar
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convert exif of a photo to a lower version?

I am using wordpress, and I found that the exif_read_data() PHP function cannot read the GPS info in exif from Images with Exif Version 2.32 , but it can read from Exif Version 2.20. Is there any ...
Maxwell Cheng's user avatar
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QGIS Custom variable or Function to extract image "compass direction" from image url/path

I would like to create custom variable or a custom function to extract only "EXIF Camera Direction" of image from URL/path (field) of JPG images into QGIS. So i can directly write the ...
Grevardo Laheba's user avatar
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Interpreting Camera GPSYaw to Geographic Direction

If the GIS SE is not the place for this question, please point me in the right direction. I have been extracting the geographic information from a number of photographs. This spatial information is ...
Keagan Allan's user avatar
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Batch increase drone imagery altitude by editing EXIF GPS information

I have around 3.600 drone images covering an area of around 2 x 4 km. The images were recorded using two drones. For some reason, the photos from one of the drones are off by around 15 meters on the z-...
ragnvald's user avatar
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Adding GeoTag image details

I'm using QGIS 3.16 and I need to add some EXIF details to images, such as elevation or time. I am using the following code in Python console to add location to images, reading params from a table and ...
roberto bertozzi's user avatar
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Extract all Pitch, Yaw and Roll EXIF information from JPEG using Python PIL

I have a series of JPEGS captured during an aerial patrol. These JPEGS have metadata stored within JPEG, this metadata includes the GPSInfo and other data. I am trying to extract this information into ...
Keagan Allan's user avatar
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How to calculate the Exif metadata YCbCrPositioning from an image? [closed]

I'm checking how to calculate that value from a JPEG file and I'm pretty confused: YCbCrPositioning should be defined as shown in this page: ...
user2638180's user avatar
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Identifying coordinate format from exif data

I am using the Python exif module to extract coordinates from photos. The methods for doing so are: gps_latitude and gps_longitude. The output for latitude is: (32.0, 37.0, 37.15) and longitude is: (...
Captain Caveman's user avatar
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gdal_translate to JPEG has no EXIF in the output

I am trying to create .jpg files that can be consumed on the web from a .tif image. I would like to rely on EXIF data about the image metadata, however, I fail to read any. What am I doing wrong? $ ...
suricactus's user avatar
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How to interpret GPSDestBearing and GPSImgDirection?

I need to take some photos capturing the GPS coords and direction of camera. I'm using an iPhone 8+ and this is the relevant output I get from Acute Photo EXIF Viewer: EXIF GPS Tags GPSDestBearing:...
msm1089's user avatar
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Automatically georeference non-intersecting UAS photos based on contained EXIF metadata

I need to know how to automatically create georeferenced rasters from multiple non-intersecting photos taken by UAS DJI Phantom 4 Pro. All EXIF metadata is present in every photo - coordinates, ...
Vladimir Sviridov's user avatar
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Writing into XMP and EXIF Metadata from attribute table values in PyQGIS

I've already learnt how to read EXIF and XMP data's from JPG. Now I would like to write from value in attribute table into their XMP and EXIF tags. This code Import EXIF / XMP , and I would like to ...
zlikotp's user avatar
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Importing EXIF Metadata into attributes fields in QGIS

I use to imports JPG images with "ImportPhotos". It lacks some importants EXIF Tags such : ISO , Shutter Speed, aperture, resolution and Field of view. There is an answer about how to import XMP ...
zlikotp's user avatar
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Importing XMP Metadata into attributes fields in QGIS

I would like to import EXIF & metadatas of JPG images into QGIS. For each image, a vector were created by 'ImportPhotos' pluggin, it adds some EXIF into attributes fields but some importants EXIF ...
zlikotp's user avatar
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Batch convert GeoTIFFs to JPEG keeping GPS info [closed]

How can I convert a batch of GeoTIFFs files to JEPG preserving GPS info on EXIF?
Hubertokf's user avatar
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Determining Longitude and Latitude of each corner of image

With this information below, including image size, longitude/latitude (of upper left I assume, maybe center), Resolution, and altitude - can I derive the Long/Lat of each corner of the image? "size":[...
Nick Licata's user avatar
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Use Exiftools to add a tag with spaces and special characters to an image file [closed]

When I try to upload an image to Mapillary using it's web page based uploader and it's executable I get EXIF Time issue. When I compare a file that uploads correctly and the issue jpg file in ...
GeorgeC's user avatar
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Get coordinates from EXIF

I wonder if it is possible to know if with the EXIF ​​data of a photo you can get the angle with respect to x or y (latitude or longitude) to position it on a map. Or given the EXIF ​​data to ...
Santiago Salaberry's user avatar
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What are the standard values of the GPSMAPDATUM attribute in the exif standard?

I'm working on an application to read the exif georeferenced metadata of some photos. I would like to know all the possible values of the attribute GPSMapDAtum. Do you know where to find a list with ...
ElGerar's user avatar
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What is the easiest way to find the ground altitude of an image taken by a drone

I understand that the Exif Altitude metadata that is included in images taken by DJI Drones is based on sea level. It is not the Drone altitude from the actual ground. What is the easiest way to find ...
Allan Xu's user avatar
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Extract GPS track from TomTom Bandit videos

I would like to extract GPS tracks with a commandline-tool from videos recorded with a TomTom Bandit action cam . There is the proprietary software of TomTom to extract the tracks but I need something ...
Thomas B's user avatar
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Seeking code sample or pointer showing how to calculate Corner Coordinates of JPG file based on EXIF GPS data? [closed]

This is a follow up to this question: Using GDAL to extract Corner Coordinates based on a jpg file's GPS EXIF data? Per the answer I received to the above question, gdal_merge cannot merge JPG ...
Allan Xu's user avatar
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Change coordinate system of image exif data

I just started using Pix4D mapper and straight away ran into the problem that the flight data is in WGS 84 and the GCPs are in Gauss Krüger 3. The pix4d support suggested to Transform the image ...
Avishek's user avatar
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How to put geotagged .jpg thumbnails on a map in QGIS?

I have a collection of photos (already geotagged in EXIF) and I'd like to put thumbnails of these pictures on a map (at the location where they were taken). Just looking for a static visualisation of ...
Arjen's user avatar
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Write information on file using exiftool_call in R

I have a series of images (.tiff) that are only georeference at the true centroid of the picture. I have calculated the missing coordinates (top right, top left, bottom right and bottom left) in the X ...
Perro's user avatar
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Create a list of .TIFF without losing the metadata in R

I have a series of images (.tiff) that I would like to put into a list and then convert each image into a data frame. For that, I have created a list with my images.<-list.files(path="/...
Perro's user avatar
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QGIS georeferencer loses GeoTIFF attributes?

I used the georeferencer with QGIS 3.2 and I imported an image with the following EXIFS ExifTool Version Number : 11.09 File Name : Directory : ...
Clement's user avatar
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Retrieving exif tags from GeoTiff with GDAL?

I work on toolkit that automatically classifies data from a bunch of aerial cameras. Each camera uses geotagging to store position and time metadata in EXIF tags. When I use GDAL (I use version 2.0....
huckfinn's user avatar
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Is it possible to auto rotate images in the photo widget?

If I use the photo widget in the default QGIS form images are not auto rotated according to their exif rotation. Is there a way to show rotated images? The correct way to display the image according ...
Thomas B's user avatar
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Determining Bounding Points of UAV Images

I know the EXIF data from drones contains the GPS point central to the photo to provide photo location. What I'd like is to determine the lat/lon of the four corners of the image. I've done a pretty ...
Brad Oleson's user avatar
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What is the meaning of Altitude in EXIF of an image?

Currently I have some photographs​ captured by DJI, and in their EXIF I saw that it contains: GPS Altitude, Absolute Altitude, Relative Altitude, GPS Latitude, GPS Longitude. These images will be ...
Thành Đào Ngọc's user avatar
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Importing Camera images to ArcGIS or QGIS with correct location, scale and oritentation

I have several very large image datasets from a AUV survey, essentially aerial imagery, that I need to bring into a GIS environment and have them display at the proper spatial scale, orientation and ...
Mender's user avatar
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photo2shape QGIS 2.1x

I'm stuck on a problem with photo2shape in QGIS 2.1x (I already tried several versions). I installed Exif Reader and photo2shape worked fine for me. Since last week QGIS crashes as soon I start ...
Tibor's user avatar
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Geotagging photos with smartphone camera?

I have a motorola turbo 2 smartphone. I am exploring options for automatically geotagging photos for site visits. The goal is to add these photos into Google Earth such that I can see where they were ...
user32882's user avatar
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Looking for Linux tools to visualize GPS+compass+focal-length EXIF data?

I have JPG images tagged with GPS and compass Exif-data. I took these images in a remote country especially to use it for mapping OSM. Now I am looking for a tool that would help me to use these ...
alfonx's user avatar
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Rectifying a Tiff Given One Corner Coordinate

I'm trying to rectify an image that I don't know much about other than the coordinate of the southwest corner, which I was able to pull using ExifTool. Is there any programming solution to ...
Josh's user avatar
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Writing EXIF coordinates to images based on common field?

we did a photo survey with a GPS equipped camera (1800 images), then to improve accuracy we did a survey with a total station and renamed images with points labels. Now I need to write the new ...
Maurizio Toscano's user avatar
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Capturing GPS coords in EXIF header for JPEGs with ArcPad ImageBox control?

Problem with capturing GPS locations in EXIF header for JPEG photo using Esri's ArcPad and its ImageBox control. I have customized forms for ArcPad. I have added three ImageBox controls to a form ...
reroger's user avatar
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Watermarking photos using geotag and creating shapefile from coordinates?

I have geotagged photographs and I would like to place a watermark of the photos location on the front for easy reference as well as creating a shapefile from the coordinates. Does anyone know of ...
TsvGis's user avatar
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