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Questions tagged [geolocation]

Geolocation is a means to discovering the physical location (in real-world geographic terms) of an object.

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Raster (L2 Aster) geolocation problem

I am working with L2 Aster data that I downloaded from EarthData I downloaded them as .tiff files. When I try to open them, I ...
ie-con's user avatar
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Query geolocation of an address with Overpass API

I would like to find the geolocation (lat/lon) of a given full address using OverpassAPI. [out:json]; ( node["addr:street"="Hauptstraße"]["addr:housenumber"="1&...
Saren Tasciyan's user avatar
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Converting latitude and longitude to coordinates within an image

I'm creating a game which involves fetching data from an API which gives me the latitude and longitude of some entities. I have a picture of size 1280x720 (zoom 100km / 50 mi) (I converted the image ...
Mr. Sir's user avatar
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How to find colinear points given many points?

I have 20 points, 10 of them are roughly on an imaginary line, roughly equidistant from each other. This is a simplified version of a real world problem. The following Python script provides a ...
zabop's user avatar
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How can I find out if a specific GeoLocation is on a motorway, in a urban area or outside a urban area (using OSM Nominatim)?

I have a list of geo-locations (latitude, longitude) as a track of a vehicle driving around the country. I need to find out how many kilometers did the vehicle drove on the motorway, inside urban ...
Florian Maps's user avatar
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Locating points along line using distance table in QGIS

I have a table of observations along a line (Road), with a distance of each observation point from start or from the last observation. I am looking for a method to locate the points from the table ...
Amit Epstein's user avatar
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How to cluster and paginate data locations on a map

I have many data points on my map and want to paginate the results into a fixed number of results per page. What I need to figure out now is how to rank or basically decide which location goes to ...
mitzu's user avatar
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Display route layer between current user location and geocoded search locaton in Leaflet?

I would like to create a simple Leaflet app that zooms to the user location, and also to a location defined within the geocode search bar. Secondly, the app should show the shortest route between the ...
Samuel Gachuhi's user avatar
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QGIS LTR geolocate raster

I've a raster from Google Maps satellite view, also three visible geolocated points (not the corners) in UTM 18N (Garmin). Sorry, I'm blown away with the details in the 3.28 user manual. What please ...
johnsankey's user avatar
10 votes
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How is geolocation by buildings or landmarks in a picture done?

Since the war in Ukraine news media often try to geolocate the place where a video or picture was taken by looking at buildings or treelines present in the imagery. Both Russians and Ukranians often ...
Maurice's user avatar
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Location doesn't display on QField (Windows 10 tablet using Trimble R2)

I'm using a R2 Trimble antenna with a Windows 10 field-tablet to collect data on QField. However, I don't seem to be able to get the localisation working. It worked one day, and since then nothing. ...
Phyllerock's user avatar
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QGIS - expression join attrributes by location

I'd like to sum up values from a point layer in my polygon layer from points lying within the polygon. I only found it with the processing toolbox, but that creates a new layer. But I just want to ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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GDM2000 or CASSINI to WGS84

This is a Malaysia map and there is only two GDM2000 or Cassini. I have no idea those label stands for what, GDM2000(U, T) Cassini(U, B).
user212324's user avatar
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Trying to geolocate bounding boxes in an image

I'm currently trying to geolocate bounding boxes that I draw on an image (images contain trees, I'm trying to annotate and geolocate the individual trees). I have had no success yet in finding methods ...
Skidro_RLD's user avatar
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Calculate point line distance for a geolocation with altitude

I'm trying to calculate the coordinates (Latitude, Longitude, Altitude) of a point on a line at the minimum distance with another point. I was able to calculate the distance using the formula here: ...
Emanuele Fumagalli's user avatar
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GeoDjango real location points

I'm using GeoDjango to draw points/polygons in current location , but I'm getting this map which don't contain a geolocation button How can I add the current location button? Here is my code: Views....
Wael Slogga's user avatar
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Avoid adding a bunch of new features for one static location for repeat sampling efforts in Field Maps

I have built several maps and forms for their use in Field Maps for various projects. Most have been creating new features and filling out the form for the new location where we sampled. However, we ...
Ken's user avatar
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Up-to-date Sweden geolocation of postcode

I am trying to calculate distance between postcode in Sweden. But Sweden is changing post codes every year since 2012, and no an open database is up-to-date. (Source : Here : https://www....
el Josso's user avatar
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Coordinates extracted from PDF are not exact

I'm working on rendering a georeferenced PDF within a map, I was able to retrieve the geolocation information from the PDF, but the coordinates I receive are not correct, they are a few meters apart ...
Paulo Ricardo's user avatar
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QGIS - row numbers by location

Is there a possibility to add continuous numbers in a seperated row that based on their location? Like f.e. from north to south, or left to right. i used row_number, but the numbers seem to be ...
Marek's user avatar
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Is there a standardized platform agnostic URL scheme to encode a geolocation?

Are there platform-agnostic URL Schemes like the geo URI scheme ( that are supported across all the major OSs and browsers? PS: I came across the geo URI ...
txtr's user avatar
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Download GIS shapefiles from Geo Portal [closed]

I was wondering if there are any ways to download or extract the GIS information from a geo portal, i.e., all schools' geolocation from
LEC's user avatar
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Aggregating features values based on name attribute and geometry in QGIS

In QGIS 3.28.1 I have a map with many points (it does not contain polygons and lines), and there are some duplicate points on top of each other in the same geographic location, and I would like to ...
Abdullah Abdullrhman's user avatar
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Summing on multiple attribute value on same coordinate in QGIS

I have data like this: If we see clearly then there is same data in same coordinate, now I am doing manually like this picture which is very time-consuming. How can do it easily in QGIS?
Kazi's user avatar
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Derive a center point and radius from a set of GPS coordinates and bearings

I have a problem similar to Triangulation: Estimate a location using lat/long coordinates and bearings. I have a series of GPS coordinates and bearings for each coordinate as well as accuracy for each ...
Lazaro  Herrera's user avatar
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Grouping of smaller cities (nearest) into larger cities

I have been looking for some suggestions on grouping of small cities (near by cities, places) into nearest largest cities (metro cities). For example, below are few cities from India. Aluva, Kerala, ...
user867662's user avatar
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How to input different distances in different routes in QGIS?

Generally, Travel time requires travel time and mode, then it shows the distance covered by the given time. But I want to input different distances in different routes surrounding the station point ...
Ahmed Ummehani's user avatar
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Find out what type of unit is being used

I'd like to know what type of unit is being used in this example to set extents, for the user to only be able to move in France's map. example is here And the code is: const view = new View({ ...
manjiro sano's user avatar
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Leaflet JS: How to check if a Lat/Longitude is in proximity going away from the original point?

I am trying to generate a route where each point in the route has progressively a lower elevation than the last point. So a route would look like this: [A, B, C, D, E] So E, would be lower than D ...
Antonio Pavicevac-Ortiz's user avatar
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Real-Time Shared GPS Location in QField

Is it somehow possible to visualize the real-time GPS locations of other persons involved in the same QField project (synchronized with QFieldCLoud)? Maybe using external devices or additional apps/...
HyPhens's user avatar
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Show shapefile data in Flutter app

In Flutter there is availability of one package which cost more than 6k USD per year, looking a affordable method for Flutter to show shapefile in a Flutter app with data lines between continents and ...
btm me's user avatar
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Read and head data from Geofabrik OSM

I am trying to read and head all the data from geofabrik specific country using this code: from pyrosm import OSM, get_data df = get_data("country_name") df.head() But I am getting this ...
d9d9's user avatar
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Creating buffer spaces in meters around LineString line in KML using Python

Any suggestions to create buffer spaces on KML LineString using Python? I tried with few libraries.. geojson shapely kml2geojson Here, converted KML to GeoJSON and added buffer space on the ...
Gokul Raghu's user avatar
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Is a GIS database necessary? Most efficient way? [closed]

I have been tasked with finding an efficient way to store data of thousands of addresses to compare to a broader set of addresses of all retail stores in America. Ideally, I would like the database to ...
Java The Hut's user avatar
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Combining location from Nominatim with Overpass API query using Python

I try to get the geocodes coordinates from the location(nominatim) into the Overpass query. Is there an easy way to do this? import json import requests from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim ...
Zuthy's user avatar
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Seeking geocoding API specifically for India

I tried Nominatim with GeoPy but it is missing out >80% of locations which are all in India. I saw some APIs for specific countries such as (1) and (2) https://...
shrippi's user avatar
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Converting from eastings and northings to LatLong on layers in QGIS

I have been prototyping a simple navigation app using QGIS. If I generate tiles from OpenStreetMap using Generate XYZ Tiles, I create a basic app using Leaflet JS. I can then use the Geolocation API ...
P. Krause's user avatar
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Getting current user location automatically every "x" seconds and calculating the difference in km

I'm trying to get the users' location every "x" seconds then calculating the difference in kilometers. Here is the code that didn't work: <html> <head> <meta ...
TheCodeExpert's user avatar
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MapToScreen / ScreenToMap functionality (or similar)

I need to display latitude/longitude coordinates of the mouse pointer on the map, as the user moves the mouse. I searched the examples and found this API [Map.ScreenToMap] in an older version of the ....
Liliana Ivan's user avatar
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Moving two layers with different geometry at once with snapped vertices in QGIS

I would like to be able to move two layers that look like you see below: Basically, when I move the polygon object, to which the lines are snapped as a separate layer I want them to be intact at the ...
Geographos's user avatar
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Geofences in Leaflet with live Location

I'm a newbie in terms of programming. I'm building a Web App with Angular and Leaflet, which has to locate the users position and notify him in case he is close to specific buildings. There are ...
Layer8Issue's user avatar
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Will two GNSS modules displace by the same amount?

I am using two gps modules with blunos (bluetooth arduinos) too get the distance between them and display it on a phone. This has worked great and on avg Im getting the expected 5m inaccuracy. However ...
Random34544's user avatar
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Looking for QGIS equivalent of ArcGIS "Create Locator" tool

I would like to create my own locator in QGIS based on our address points and streets segments datasets instead of using web services like OSM, Google or Nominatim. Is there a tool available for that ...
PhilSC's user avatar
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Rounding latitude longitude locations up/down to approximately 0-1 kilometer to mutual GPS coordinations dot/point

This is a very simple problem I have to solve simple (in JavaScript, but it doesn't matter for that topic). OK its possible so solve that the hard way, but I just want to solve that as easy as ...
Juri's user avatar
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Identifying if a user is in building or shopping mall using GPS or WiFi data

I am trying to understand if there is a logic to see if a user is in a shopping mall or a building or outside using GPS or WiFi data captured from a mobile phone. Is there a logic to check?
Roger Ganga's user avatar
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Geolocate Organizations: Measure Precision, Restrict to Country

I am trying to geolocate a list of >1,000 of Indian institutions / NGOs / Universities etc. However, I only have the names and states of these. What I am looking for is an output that gives me (1) ...
erpunkt's user avatar
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Geolocating and writing many TIFFs at same time using R

I have found a way to give a PNG the CRS and location of a geolocated TIFF, and to convert the PNG to TIFF. Now I have to apply it to different PNGs in the same folder (all named Pt6_frame1, ...
Esteban Rodofili's user avatar
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Geolocating images with info of another image

I am trying to use the geolocation information of a tiff image to geolocate another. Both images are frames from the same drone footage, with the drone still over the same position. The one geolocated ...
Esteban Rodofili's user avatar
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Embedding interactive Google Maps into a Google Form

I have a Google form with some questions. People can answer the questions about (future) trees they want to have in their neighbourhood. But there also must be the possibility that people mark the ...
Lies's user avatar
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Google Reverse Geocoding API doesn't work on mobile internet

I was able to get Google Geolocations and Geocoder API to work via desktop and on my phone when its connected to wifi, but when I disconnect from the wifi, geocoder doesn't display the results. just ...
jgax87's user avatar
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