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Masking in rasterio changes the values the output file

I am masking a raster file using rasterio. I am doing this using the mask function. The result of the masking changes the value of the pixels when loaded to GIS. import fiona import rasterio import ...
Nikko's user avatar
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rasterio.fill.fillnodata doesn't work as expected

I have a DEM of a lake bottom, that contains a few holes (nodata) which I'd like to fill. For that purpose i'm using rasterio's fillnodata with a mask. Unfortunatly, I don't get the results I am ...
Zev_Zide's user avatar
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Clip a GeoTIFF based on a bounding box coordinates using rasterio

I would like to clip a geodaframe based on coordinates. Let's say that I have the following bounding box from a GeoPandas dataframe. The projection is mollweide. gdf.boundary.plot() gdf.total_bounds ...
emax's user avatar
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Output raster of rasterio.mask doesn't match CRS of input [closed]

I'm trying to mask a raster with population data with my area of interest. I reprojected the original population raster according to the AOI's crs, but after masking and writing the new file, the crs ...
Danny's user avatar
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Merge rasters and clip by a shapefile

I was wondering how to merge multiple TIFF files together and clip the mosaic by the bounds of a intersecting shapefile. I've been able to merge them and output as a .tiff, but am not sure how to to ...
uqazi's user avatar
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Rasterio mask washing out result

Using the rio.mask.mask function to clip out a section of an ortho. The result .tif looks like it has been "washed" out. The pixel values from the ortho and the result are exactly the same, ...
Binx's user avatar
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Masking with rasterio in Python

Introduction I have a shapefile for my area of interest (which in this case is Tehran) and also a TIF file that contains the categorical information(cloud status). In this case, I want to mask the TIF ...
TheFaultInOurStars's user avatar
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Rasterio mask doesn't work with shapely polygon

I have raster which I want to mask with shapely polygon.According the rasterio documentation, rasterio.mask can work with shapely geometry.However, in this case, it doesn't work. whenever I use my ...
ReutKeller's user avatar
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Using a shapefile as mask with rasterio mask gives different affine transforms with rasters of the same projection and resolution

I have a list of n file paths to geotiffs of the same resolution and projection but with varying extents. In brief the goal is to use Rasterio's mask module to use a shapefile containing a single ...
jeremyg19's user avatar
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Inconsistently getting "Input shapes do not overlap raster", CRS appear to match

Masking topographic raster data by a shapefile (bedrock geology polygon). Following this guide I do this: with"geology.shp", "r") as shapefile: geology_mask = [...
joanmarie's user avatar
-1 votes
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GeoJSON to masks [closed]

I need to use the GeoJSON file and TIFF images to produce masks. Is there a Python program that takes GeoJSON file and TIFF image as input and produces masks?
Rohullah Najibi's user avatar
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Issue while creating dataset mask for Landsat 7 ETM+ band data by using rasterio

I am trying to create dataset mask of a particular band of Landsat-7 (B2) & Landsat-8 (TIR) data and then plot the same using the following code: For Landsat-7 Band-1:- import rasterio import ...
RRSC NGP's user avatar
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Reading in GeoTIFF with different CRS and Transform with rasterio

I have multiple TIF files with different resolutions that I want to combine using rasterio. I am using a modification of the example given in the documentation here. However, on closer inspection ...
Ansh's user avatar
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Rasterio mask removes alpha band

I have a geotiff image that I am clipping to a geojson polygon using rasterio. When I load input the image in QGIS, it has an alpha band (4 bands total). rasterio says it only has 3 bands, which ...
Brian's user avatar
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How to get pixel positions when cropping a raster with rasterio? (Faster)

I am trying to crop a raster but instead of just getting the values of the cropped raster I am trying to get the positions of that values on the matrix. I already did this with this code: import ...
David1212k's user avatar
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Not plotting NA-Values in raster with python

I have a raster that I cropped beforehand based on a shapefile with gdalwarp -srcnodata '-1000 -255' -cutline {shape} {vrt_path} {tiff_path} The thing is, that there are many NAs that get simply ...
Robin Kohrs's user avatar
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Offset after clipping an image using rasterio.mask (illustrated with figures) [closed]

I want to clip an image named img_A of dimensions 14000x10000 using a polygon shape in order to get the same dimensions than another image named img_B of dimensions 1925x1372 (see figure 1 below). The ...
rdmato33's user avatar
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Defining invalid regions of VRT file with rasterio in a way that allows windowing [closed]

I'm using a VRT file to represent a bunch of individual map tiles as one big image. I noticed that some of the data is invalid but not marked as such (via the invalid data value). I'd like to define ...
Sean's user avatar
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2 answers

Cropping raster using multiple shapefiles

I have a raster which I want to crop multiple times using different shapefiles. My code uses mask method which returns numpy array and its metadata: out_img, out_transform = mask(raster=data, shapes=...
ksnn's user avatar
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Rasterio Write Masked Array to TIFF - Shape write and read indices are wrong [closed]

I'm clipping a raster to a shapefile, which returned a masked array, and my goal is to write that masked array to a new .tif file with the correct metadata. I can view the masked array and it looks ...
swimdonovan's user avatar
6 votes
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Writing masked GeoTIFF in rasterio and visualizing in QGIS?

I have an interpolated raster, which is a masked array, that shows where the data is valid. I want to save it as masked TIFF with rasterio. To test, here's the JSON file, and the code: import rasterio,...
culebrón's user avatar
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Rasterio error: Input shapes do not overlap raster but reprojection not working

I'm trying to use rasterio (v1.0.13) and fiona to perform a raster clip on a geotiff using a geojson polygon. For reference, the clip works perfectly from the command line using GDAL: gdalwarp -...
metalaureate's user avatar
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Masking GeoTIFF file after GeoJSON through rasterio - "Input shapes do not overlap raster"

So my intention is quite simple: I have a 4-Band TIFF file I want to crop after a polygon shape. However, I'm getting the following two exceptions WindowError: windows do not intersect ValueError: ...
Buruiană Cătălin's user avatar
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Summarising all the (NDVI) values pixelwise for a masked polygon

A .tif image has been created using the NDVI formula in QGIS. The resulting image shows a region, with varying grades of NDVI values over the image. A .shp file has then been created for an area of ...
pymat's user avatar
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Does anyone know why I'm getting a completely black geotiff as a result of this shapefile cut out of another geotiff in rasterio?

I am using rasterio to cut out the shape of a lake outlined in my shapefile from a geotiff. When using a shapefile of a singular lake with a geotiff, this works perfectly, but not when cutting out a ...
Kerry O'Neill's user avatar
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Stacking and masking Landsat at the same time with rasterio

Based on answers from previous questions 1,2 and the Masking a raster using a shapefile guide from rasterio cookbook, I wrote the code below. The code runs correctly. I would like to improve it. 1- ...
mlateb's user avatar
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Rasterio.mask returns error 'shapes are outside bounds of raster' - but they are definitely within raster bounds

I'm using rasterio.mask.mask to mask a raster with a shapefile. import rasterio import fiona image_object ='/home/cate/image_name.img') aoi_shapefile ='/home/cate/AOI....
Cate's user avatar
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rasterio masking with GeoJSON from file issue

I'm trying to load GeoJSON from a file for use with rasterio mask on a GeoTIFF and I can't seem to get the GeoJSON to load properly. I get this error: File "/Users/user/", line 18, in clip ...
beaorn's user avatar
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masking multiband with rasterio

I have 2 multiband rasters and I want to mask some areas of one of them with values of the other one, so I write this code (I can't figure out why is not working): import os, rasterio import numpy as ...
Digd's user avatar
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