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Questions tagged [nigeria]

Use this tag for Questions which are specific to the country of Nigeria

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16 votes
9 answers

Seeking Sentinel 2 Images for Nigeria [closed]

I need Sentinel 2 imagery of Nigeria, I signed up in Copernicus Scihub but typing Nigeria into the text box no results appear. I must be doing something wrong, how can be possible that they do not ...
7 votes
3 answers

Outline a plot of land on a map

A client has a very old Certificate of Ownership document for a plot of land. We need to show the outline of the plot on Google maps to potential developers. Sadly the description of the plot is in ...
2 votes
1 answer

Seeking Nigeria administrative boundaries

I am looking for Nigeria administrative boundaries (0-3) level especially the 3 rd level which is called "senatorial districts". Where can I find these?
5 votes
1 answer

Finding the Map-Tiles(z,x,y,tile_data) in a given Bounding box and zoom level

I have this information:For Ogun State Nigeria from South 6° 18' 6" N North 7° 59' 23" N West 2° 40' 6" E East 4° 34' 47" E I have map tiles @ different zoom ...
4 votes
2 answers

Nigerian Colony Coordinate System

Are 'Nigerian Colony Coordinate System', MTM (Modified Transverse Mercator) and NTM (Nigerian Transverse Mercator) one and the same? How can I transform coordinates on 'Nigerian Colony Coordinate ...
1 vote
0 answers

CFAI coordinate system

Has anyone heard or know anything about the CFAI coordinate system in Nigeria? I have tried search engines and couldn't find anything.
-4 votes
1 answer

What coordinate system is this and where is it located in google maps? [closed]

I have coordinates of a landed property somewhere near Benin city, Nigeria. Coordinates are given as: 248 600.773 mN 347 786.232 mE Where is this location in Google maps?
0 votes
1 answer

Pipeline data for Nigeria?

I am looking for oil and gas pipeline for Africa or Nigeria. I have tried searching the global energy observatory platform and I cannot find it.
-4 votes
1 answer

Changing from one coordinate system to another without re doing [closed]

I'm new to this. Can I change from the Nigeria Mid Belt system to the Nigeria West Belt system easily, or do I need to recreate my project?
10 votes
3 answers

Where can I get land-use data for Nigeria?

Anybody knows websites of land use for the Federal Republic of Nigeria? Free or paid. I am looking for the states of Kogi and Anambra.