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Wrong path when loading WMS layer

I've got an issue I am using GeoServer of boundlessSuite and when I tried to load a layer in OpenLayers 3 it doesn't show on the map. I found the problem but can't fix it. On my GeoServer when I use ...
Hadrien Berthier's user avatar
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Add QGIS Server WMS layer to GeoExt template

How to add QGIS Server WMS layer to GeoExt template (OpenGeoSuite SDK)? I used the following code, but unsuccessful display layer qgis: { ptype: "gxp_wmssource", url: "http://...
spatialhast's user avatar
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Zoom to the extent of the WMS layer in GeoServer by OpenLayers 3?

I would like to use OpenLayers 3 (I saw similar question for OpenLayers 2) to display a GeoServer layer using WMS, and zoom to the extent of the layer automatically by getting the extent information ...
stevenhz's user avatar
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Adjust GeoServer home page just to WMS service

I want to adjust my first GeoServer home page (before logging in) just to WMS service Can anybody help me please?
BahramJ's user avatar
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how to show wfs and wms sources in boundlessgeo gxp viewer

I'm using boundlessgeo gxp viewer. I have a lot of different wms and wfs link and want to show those remote sources in my map viewer application. I have a geoserver and basic layers in it. I can add ...
Haktan Aydın's user avatar
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Change layer styles based on ComboBox search?

I'm using a combination of OpenGeo Server components and hand written GeoExt code to create a map interface. I would like to have a ComboBox that queries the OpenGeo PostGIS database in order to ...
user32523's user avatar
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How to put more than one overlay label in Openlayers layerswitcher?

I have two set of layers like 'Public' and 'Private'.Each set has 3 layers. My requirement is, Layer switcher has to show the first set of layers with check-box under the label name 'Public' and ...
venkat's user avatar
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Problem in Adding line feature in Openlayers vector layer

I have added the WMS line feature in vector layer. But I am facing some display problem in it as shown below screenshot.Is there anyother way to do this? But there is no issue in point features. ...
venkat's user avatar
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Opengeo Geoexplorer WMS source singleTile property?

I was wondering whether there is a way to control what layers should be fetched as a single tile in a GeoExplorer composer application? OpenLayers.Layer.WMS objects have a singleTile property but it ...
David I's user avatar
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Creating chart from OpenLayers map

I have a web map application which displays WMS layers from GeoServer. I am looking to add a functionality which will allow users to click on multiple map objects. The application will then generate a ...
K Hsueh's user avatar
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Help me with this code from GeoExt and OpenLayers

I haven't gone entirely through GeoExt. But I am trying to understand the below code, but I am struck. The below code is about creating popups of feature information. But the layers added are WMS ...
GP92's user avatar
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Cannot populate a Ext GridPanel through GeoExt WMSCapabilitiesStore

I've been working through a few tutorial/starter map samples on the OpenGeo and GeoExt websites and have come upon a problem I cannot solve. I'm trying to load a list of layers from my GeoServer into ...
Don Meltz's user avatar
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