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4 answers

How to get vector data from OSM to use in QGIS? [duplicate]

How do I get data from OpenStreetMap which I can then edit in QGIS layer by layer? What is the best OSM output and what / how do I get to a suitable input for QGIS? there another approach to ...
user2034145's user avatar
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QGIS Space Syntax plugin with OSM data?

I'd like to do a space syntax analysis for a city I observe, but when I use the Space Syntax Plugin, the desired shapelayer roads doesn't show up. It's an OSM vector layer, what do I have to do to ...
Sietze Faber's user avatar
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Importing multiple layer files like NAS/OSM in a standalone PyQgis script

I am trying to convert a dlm50 NAS file of Rheinlandpfalz (Germany) to shapefile. With ogr2ogr this repeadetly converts Polygons to Lines and whole layers are missing. If I import it into QGIS and use ...
gilla's user avatar
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Query to find nearest road highway tag to a (latitude,longitude) point

I imported an OSM file for the state of Delaware into the PostGIS Database via connecting to it through QGIS. I would like to build a query to retrieve the nearest roads to the (latitude,longitude) ...
Vivek Reddy's user avatar
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Layers will not hold specified CRS?

I have several layers from OpenStreetMap that I wanted to convert to WGS 84 4326 due to my using several base layers that are assigned to that CRS. No matter what I try, whenever I check the layer ...
Chris Medyna's user avatar
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QGIS - getting the graphics from the OSM standard to polygon representing my research area

I´m new to QGIS and are trying to make a copy of a certain area: But I want the graphics and scale to follow along from the original map. Not just retrieve a single color polygon. The polygon is I ...
William Knutsson Gustafsson's user avatar
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1 answer

Import tiles OpenStreetMap QGIS [closed]

I have a map in QGIS that is supposed to have multiple layers, a custom made map, and a google street/openstreetmap layer. The layers somehow don't work, and so I decided to make a new connection. I ...
cobdmg's user avatar
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Adding OpenStreetMap layers to QGIS [duplicate]

I have OpenStreetMap (OSM) data that I've loaded into a Spatialite database. How do I get it to look like OSM? I shouldn't have to add and style each layer individually but I can't figure out what ...
Jacob Kern's user avatar