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Using quick OSM plugin in QGIS to create a map of Tennessee [closed]

I want to just make a map of Tennessee from the Quick OSM plugin in QGIS. How to achieve that?
Mig Arr's user avatar
3 votes
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Simple OSM Raw Query Filter

I have a simple raw OSM query that I am using in QGIS model designer (Build Raw Query): [out:xml] [timeout:25]; ( node["highway"]( {{bbox}}); node["building"]( {{bbox}})...
Joe G's user avatar
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Why do certain features from Geofabrik's OSM extract seem to be missing?

I would like to have all objects from OpenStreetMap with the Tag:man_made=works (ie factories), in Estonia. I can do this using QGIS, but another method using GeoFabrik's OSM extract fails. QGIS way ...
zabop's user avatar
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Importing large OSM data to QGis failed (using QuickOSM, SpatialLite layer or add vector layer)

I downloaded quite large OpenStreetMap dataset from in osm (or pbf) format. Namely Czech Republic. Geofabrik provides ESRI SHP files too, but I unfortunatelly need more ...
Vladimir Semotan's user avatar
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QuickOSM using Wild Cards / RegEx

Can someone explain to me how to use wild cards with QuickOSM? I'm trying to match all shops with a name starting with a specific word (e.g. Costco).
David Galt's user avatar
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Download multiple OSM data key and value pairs via Graphical Modeler in QGIS

I want to download OSM data from a query in an extent via the Graphical Modeler in QGIS. Thereby I want to download multiple keys and values at once, but it somehow only takes the first one or none. ...
Lucas_Edenhofer's user avatar