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Where i can find Mapbox tiles gallery

I have discovered that cloudmade tiles service has been discontinued, so to switch to mapbox tiles, i imagine that i can find a gallery (like in cloudmade ) where i can choose the tiles style ...
geogeek's user avatar
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Load external tileJSON file in Mapbox

I have tiles generated by Maperitive from an OSM file, and there's a nice tiles.json generated with them which specifies neatly the tiles-path, bounding box, minzoom, maxzoom, center, etc. The format ...
Nikhil VJ's user avatar
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What can I do in Mapbox Studio with the osm_id number for #buildings from Mapbox Streets?

My goal is to use OpenStreetMap buildings data to create map tiles that show buildings styled with information such as name, floors, and other information from the tags associated with the way/feature ...
Aaron Dennis's user avatar
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Using Custom OSM tiles with Mapbox and/or CartoDB? [closed]

For a newspaper, we would like to use CartoDB's editor to produce quick overview maps with small amounts of geometry and information such as tooltips etc. For this job, the CartoDB editor seems to be ...
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