For a newspaper, we would like to use CartoDB's editor to produce quick overview maps with small amounts of geometry and information such as tooltips etc. For this job, the CartoDB editor seems to be perfect, and suits our needs better than Mapbox' editor.
However, we would also like to have a custom styled base map for our "corporate identity", just as ZEIT Online recently launched it:
Hosting our own, custom styled OSM tiles is not really an option, especially because we would like to have a highly detailed map of the whole globe.
Still a bit confused by the possibilities of both service providers, we don't know how to proceed: We want to use CartoDB so our journalists can produce quick and good looking maps, but we also want our custom styled OSM tiles - and CartoDB won't host these for us, right?
So we would have to use Mapbox where we would upload our tiles and use their tiles in CartoDB (the editor allows to specify a Mapbox tileserver)?
But then again, where do we get the OSM data from, that we would style in Tilemill?
Do we really have to download the whole planet, and how is it possible to upload such huge data back to Mapbox?
I am quite confused about the workflow that would be best used here.