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Questions tagged [opticks]

Opticks is an open-source remote sensing and imagery analysis platform with similar functionality to ERDAS IMAGINE, RemoteView and ENVI. The software is intended to be easy to use, with drag-and-drop opening of files from many sources, and easy to extend, with user algorithms written in IDL.

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2 answers

Mysterious Problems with .IGE file [closed]

I'm trying to manipulate an .IGE file, which I understand is a raster data format developed by Erdas Imagine. The data I've downloaded is the National Land Cover Database (NLCD) 2006 Percent Developed ...
Dan Wolf's user avatar
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How can I display GeoEye1 imagery in colour in Opticks?

Anyone familiar with the use of the open-source remote sensing software Opticks? Im new to opticks, I load GeoEye1 imagery but it displayed as greyscale. It supposed to be displayed as bands ...
Stan John's user avatar
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Opticks 4.11.0 (Ubuntu 64bit) - unable to load TIFF file

I am trying Opticks 4.11.0-1 - have official release opticks_4.11.0-1_amd64.deb but unlike in Windows I am totally unable to load Landsat 7 TIFF files. In Windows I can do this using auto importer. In ...
Juhele's user avatar
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