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Install GDAL on MacOS with Oracle (OCI driver) Support

I am using MacOS Monterey. I am trying to install GDAL with oracle support. I have installed gdal using brew install gdal command but it doesn't include OCI driver. When I am trying to execute the ...
Devils Dream's user avatar
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GDAL OGR OCI driver takes unreasonable long time to load from oracle database

For quite some time I'm trying to get OCI to work with GDAL. I created a docker image with the driver installed and I use the python api to do the work. When I try to load and print just 20000 records ...
botenvouwer's user avatar
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Using GDAL to extract Oracle raster

I'm wondering does anyone have examples for extracting raster data from Oracle OrdImage format and creating a GeoTIFF using GDAL? I see some info on extracting GeoRasters but not OrdImage.
Ian's user avatar
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Open OracleSpatial Layer via Ogr2ogr in C#

I want to transport an OracleSpatial Layer to Postgis. From within OSGeo4W-Shell this works very well. But from C#-Console-App the DataSource is null but no error occurs. Here is what I have tried: ...
Frau Schmidt's user avatar
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Creating an Ubuntu based Docker image with GDAL, including Oracle Spatial OCI driver

Problem For several days I've been trying to build an Ubuntu based GDAL distribution including the OCI driver (Oracle Spatial). The goal is to create a GDAL image including PostgreSQL and Oracle ...
Web_GIS's user avatar
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Oracle query using 'with' keyword fails in ogr2ogr

I am trying to return a spatial resultant by throwing a fairly long and complex query at some datasets in an Oracle database, and returning a resultant via ogr2ogr. The goal is to return a resultant ...
grego's user avatar
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GDAL ogr2ogr OracleSpatial to Shape: Multipolygons with wholes/multiparts are missing

We're holding geodata in an Orcale database (11g) with spatial extension. I want to unload specific polygons and convert them into Shape for further local processing. The table where I'm unloading ...
knutella's user avatar
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Export Line Feature using ogr2ogr.

I am trying to export a line feature class from an oracle spatial database to a file geodatabase. I can export polygons with no problem, but cannot find the appropriate command '-nlt' for Line ...
Ian Horn's user avatar
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Error exporting data from Oracle to shp using ogr2ogr

I have an oracle table which I would like to query/make a selection. I would then like to export the selection to a shp file. I'm using gdal and ogr2ogr. Following the guidelines here and here I ...
Dan_h_b's user avatar
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Cannot display Oracle raster images using QGIS

I am dealing with QGIS 2.2 and the plug-in Oracle spatial georaster. Apparently the connection to the database can be made, as the raster images are listed once you press 'Connect', but when try to ...
Web-GIS entrepreneur's user avatar