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Calculating driving time between two layers (patients & hospitals) using QGIS

I need to calculate the driving time (following US roads) from patient coordinates to hospital coordinates. In total, I have ~ 250,000 driving time to calculate. I previously used ArcGIS but now I ...
Anna's user avatar
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Setting restricted segments in network using QGIS

I am trying to set up a network with QGIS. When I set the direction field there are three options for the values in that field: Forward direction Backward direction Both directions but I need to set ...
Raúl Casado's user avatar
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Making shortest path for number of each points with link layer in QGIS

I want to make shortest path for a number of each points with a link layer in QGIS. Now, shortest path tool have to click the start point and end point one by one. But I have 2,000 pairs. So I want to ...
user214014's user avatar
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Route direction based on road width?

I have road polyline data that contains a road width field (in meters) and I want to visualize road direction, based on this road width field. The road direction that I mean is kind of like this: (...
leemu's user avatar
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Shortest route batch calculation in QGIS 3.2.2 with GRASS GUI

I have three shapefiles: road network, postcodes and destinations. I`d like to calculate the shortest route between the postcodes and destinations (multiple points in each layer) Could anyone ...
Curious Girl's user avatar
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QNEAT3 'Iso-Area as Polygons processing error

I am doing a network analysis on QGIS. Versione di QGIS: 3.28.12-Firenze Revisione codice QGIS: dcc633b2de Versione di Qt: 5.15.3 Versione Python: 3.9.5 Versione di GDAL: 3.7.3 Versione di GEOS: 3.12....
qgislino's user avatar