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Questions tagged [route]

Route may refer to: Route or thoroughfare for transportation. Route number or road number; Trade route, a commonly used path for the passage of goods

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Automatically navigation graph creating [closed]

I am recently intrestring in Indoor Mapping, and I came across Mappedin, whose innovative work particularly their data format and SDK impressed me. One of the features of Mappedin is its capability to ...
giser's user avatar
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Obtain KML/KMZ route following train tracks?

I'm making some route animations where I animate a path from point A to point B on a map. So far, I've been animating driving routes that follow roads, and my workflow is the following: Use Google ...
Bernard's user avatar
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Is there a method to sequentially label a collection of geographical points that follow a route with a changing direction?

I have a collection of geographical points (xy coordinates) looking like this: Collectively they follow a route with a changing direction. I am wondering if there is a way to calculate the order of ...
Lord_Verulam's user avatar
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Wayfinding for indoor map without route network data

In general, to implement path planning, we need to create a road network beforehand and then use algorithms like Dijkstra for pathfinding. Meanwhile, the A* algorithm has been widely used in scenarios ...
giser's user avatar
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Plotting a CSV file containing multiple co-ordinates of a route as points on QGIS

I have a CSV file with 3700 routes, with each route represented by a row and the respective co-ordinates of that route in the following format. Since the distance of each route varies, the no of lat-...
Siddharth M's user avatar
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is there any plugin in QGIS that show the train/plane route

I am currently working on QGIS for a project, and I want to map the route between two stadiums. I managed to create a route for the bus using the orstools plugin, but I can't manage to create a route ...
Leo_Miche's user avatar
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Calculate road distance between two points in PostGIS - Resultant distance is not accurate (not even close to the actual distance) [closed]

SELECT AS origin_id, AS destination_id, CASE WHEN ST_LineLocatePoint(troad.line_string, torigin1.geom) < ST_LineLocatePoint(troad.line_string, tdest1.geom) THEN ...
mangotree's user avatar
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agolservices.FindRoutes not working (ArcPy)?

I am trying to loop through two layers (stops and barriers), and select from each using a common ID. Once the appropriate stops and barriers are selected, I would like to run the Find Routes tool ...
userfriendly's user avatar
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Making the coordinate trace looks more smooth without road network

We have a lot of coordinates generated by GPS and UWB devices for different users in our system. For a given user for a certain time range, when we tried to display their history trace(the yellow ...
giser's user avatar
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ArcGIS Network Analyst for bulk set of points

This is not a problem raised in the middle of a project but rather asking for an approach to start one. I have this project where I am supposed to analyze and optimize the distribution routes for a ...
DilankaMunasinghe's user avatar
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Storing shortest path route - QGIS 3.22.9

I used the shortest path tool in QGIS 3.22 to find the shortest route from the node "1000" to node "1004" in my project. The result is shown in red around my road layers (links) in ...
Theyyam's user avatar
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Creating virtual stop points along a route shapefile and locate them between stop points in an accompanied stops shapefile to follow their sequence

I'm working on my Ph.D. research and I hope that you can help me with my problem. I have GPS tracking data for minibus taxis in two shapefiles, one for taxi trips and the other for the stops of the ...
Salma Abdelgadir's user avatar
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Calculate grid cells enter/exit timings from overlayed timed route

[QGIS 3.22] I have made something that works, but it seems convoluted and I wonder whether there's a more efficient way. What would you say is the best way of going from a list of waypoints with ...
Joel's user avatar
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route.solve() - RouteEdges does not give expected output

RouteEdges do gives multiple entries for single SourceOID when solving route through route.solve(). Reference URL - Actual ...
Divyesh Kshatriya's user avatar
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In ArcPy I need code to transform M-value to coordinate X,Y

Input: route linear feature M-Value as input from text box Output: X,Y value I need code to convert a measure value to X,Y coordinate. The measure value is an input value.
Ugo Minelli's user avatar
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Simple animation problem by importing CSV file (QGIS)

I am new to QGIS. I want to create an animation to of point moving from one coordinates towards other. The problem is that the points appear when I load .csv but does not appear when simulation played ...
Sajeel Zafar's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro - Route Solver Multiprocessing in Standalone Script

I am using ArcGIS Pro 2.9 with an advanced single use license and a local network dataset. I am attempting to write a standalone script that takes as its input an arbitrary set of origin-destination ...
DSG4's user avatar
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Edge creation for every intersection point in QGIS

I have created a route network for a village. Now I need to create an edge (without dissolving) for every intersection. This is the network I have created. For example, I have marked some ...
Avijit's user avatar
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Trace/clip a segment of a line using a point layer

I have a set of points as well as a line layer (a road network) as given below. After I snap the points to the line layer the result is as follows. The result that I need is to clip/trace the line ...
Nandula's user avatar
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Route Analysis, Save Route Results with arcpy

I calculated routes with an arcpy script tool and now want to export or save it. If I try it with result_route.export(arcpy.nax.RouteOutputDataType.Routes, my_path) there is always an error. 'Result' ...
Saelon's user avatar
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Getting bus routes departing from bus stop from OpenStreetMap data to QGIS

I design a map, where I want to depict the number of public transport lines that are in walking distance from each building block of a city. How do I give each stop its routes and its total amount of ...
Leon's user avatar
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Select along specific train route in ArcGIS Pro

I have the US intermodal train data(found here), and train station data(found here). The problem I'm having is that the polylines do not follow the routes. There is one massive polyline that contains ...
Sam's user avatar
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Create a route animation with a large amount of lines

I am trying to build a user interface which allows, after clicking "play", to see a route appearing on the map canvas, every x seconds, to show someone moving through a route. I have to ...
Mapato's user avatar
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Route direction based on road width?

I have road polyline data that contains a road width field (in meters) and I want to visualize road direction, based on this road width field. The road direction that I mean is kind of like this: (...
leemu's user avatar
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Creating route shapefile based on start and end mile markers in ArcMap

I am using ArcMap 10.8. I have an Excel file of road condition data that contains a ROUTE_ID field as well as beginning and end mile post values. I also have an existing line shapefile that contains a ...
Josh's user avatar
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Representing a route that doubles back on itself in BigQuery with a LineString

I'm trying to represent routes in BigQuery, but running into issues for routes that double back on themselves. Consider the following LineString that proceeds from the southwest to the northeast of ...
mjumbewu's user avatar
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Creating multiple routes with several stops using QGIS

I am trying to find the shortest paths given a number of points with a specific order for each path. Specifically, my point data have the following format: I used the approved solution given in ...
Anas.S's user avatar
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Creating lines (not just one) from points GPS [duplicate]

I have exported GPS points into QGIS. I want a line that shows the route between the points based on the date. I used the points to path tool and it worked. The line shows the route in time. But in ...
Kelly's user avatar
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ArcPy script to iteratively solve routes

I have an Excel file with route starting and ending points, their co-ordinates and a name for that route. I've tried writing the following ArcPy script to iteratively solve each route and add the ...
Nii Norman's user avatar
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Autogenerating waypoints to GPX file with QGIS to find coordinates along route

Edit: I was able to figure out how to get the waypoints, I now need help with getting the coordinates for those waypoints in a CSV or JSON format. I am trying to get geo coordinates for every 0.1 km ...
hsuya01's user avatar
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Selecting lines between two points using ArcMap

I have two layers: One representing intersections in a city; and the other representing the road network. As shown below, I'd like the ability to select road segments provided two intersections. That ...
John's user avatar
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Storing route in PostGIS Database

I am trying to save few routes created by OSRM which is in Polyline or GeoJSON format in my PostGIS Database. How can I save the data in such a format which I can use to search with coordinates ...
Lijo John's user avatar
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Drawing routes combining a geographic dataset and a dataset containing routes in R

I want to draw migration routes on a map in R. The basic idea is that I have a dataset containing 3 municipalities inside Mexico through which an individual has passed. I want to draw a line ...
jpugliese's user avatar
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Database layer/network for routing and closest facility option using ArcGIS Network Analyst

I am new to the use of ArcGIS Pro Network Analyst and trying to see if there is a way I can use the route option to calculate the walking or/and driving time between sets of points. Specifically, I ...
Alexvtrix's user avatar
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Extract information from OSM given GPS point

I have a little problem with the extraction of road information from OSM. I explain my setup: I have several GPS points, extracted every 1 sec and the final goal is to extract information about the ...
Francesco Grillo's user avatar
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Get multiple routes from some points

I'm working on a layer of points with QGIS, and what I want is to create some routes/paths following some of these points. The attribute table looks like this What I want is per example, create a ...
Pedro Rincon's user avatar
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Adding linear distances along polyline segments (start/end stations) to attribute table in QGIS

This seems like a pretty simple application but I've been struggling to find the appropriate tool. I have a polyline feature (a trail network) that contains fields with attributes about each segment ...
Drew's user avatar
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Obtaining road information from route

I need to obtain information (road surface typology, max speed limit etc.) on all the roads that make my route, from A to B. The inputs of my problem will be waypoints, obtained by GPS coordinates. I ...
Francesco Grillo's user avatar
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How to split several lines by one polygon and get the distance of each part using sf?

The question "How to split one line by several polygons" already has an answer here. My question is similar but different: How to split several lines by one polygon? The context: I have a ...
Antonin's user avatar
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QGIS clipping OpenStreetMap but still being able to run functions such as ORS Tools on the layer [duplicate]

I have struggled to find a solution to be able to clip an OpenStreetMap (OSM) raster layer but still run functions using plugins such as ORS Tools. I would like to clip OSM with an overlaying vector ...
James the Flooded Roads Guy's user avatar
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Flooded roads and deprived communities: QGIS route analysis function to avoid flooded roads?

In QGIS I am analysing the flooding of road networks. I have created a vector line layer of all the stretches of roads in my study area where high risk flood extent areas intersect them. I now want to ...
James the Flooded Roads Guy's user avatar
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Create distance intervals along a Route + Cross Section

I believe I've done this before but years ago. My goal is to make a X-Section of a line using a DEM. I want to create a Route (from a Polyline), give this route 1k intervals, and then "drape"...
Vanessa's user avatar
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Route optimization with QGIS

I need to optimize the routes of a collection vehicle working with QGIS. To do this I have a network layer and another with the collection points, both of then in a geopackage. What I need is a new ...
Raúl Casado's user avatar
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Calculating isochrone for linestring

I have seen APIs and algorithms for calculating isochrones for a single point, e.g. Is it possible to calculate the isochrone for a line segment,...
NeatNerd's user avatar
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Exporting points according to a route I made

So I work on a ship and get given a shape file with points on it and I am required to make a vessel route out of this. The problem is that once I have created a route between all the points and export ...
Byron's user avatar
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Naming Points Along Line

I have a line with several points along it. I am hoping to name these points numerically, from 1 to the last point along the line. I've so far used Network Analyst to find my distance along the line ...
Greg O's user avatar
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Solving Traveling Salesman-like Problem

I own a (very) small appliance service company. It's just me. I cover roughly a 20 mile radius from a my office. Customers can sign up on my website for service calls anywhere within my service area. ...
Terry Carmen's user avatar
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Alignment/projection issue when opening a shapefile in ArcMap that was sourced from XML file

I seek to build a UK bus route in ArcMap and am currently attempting to utilise an .xml file sourced from I have had some difficulty in converting the .xml file into a shapefile. So far, I ...
Lime's user avatar
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How would I process and output every possible route of a stream network?

Starting with a stream network, I would like an output that includes every possible route from the lowest level stream to the highest level river as separate lines. Is this possible? I am using QGIS. ...
sreiny's user avatar
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pgRouting: pgr_KSP() does not return shortest path when k > 1

I am trying to get an arbitrary number of paths between two points in a network. I am using pgr_KSP — Returns the “K” shortest paths. My aim is to get the K cheapest routes between two points. ...
JPM's user avatar
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