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Questions tagged [sharepoint]

Microsoft SharePoint is a Web application platform developed by Microsoft.

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1 answer

Load layer from SharePoint (or online office server) with https://... URL

I'm trying to import a .csv layer from a SharePoint folder without using the local path (for ex: C:*Users*\UserName\Folder1\filename) but using the online path (https://.../filename). I need this ...
federico sperati's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Empty webmap using QGIS2web plugin on SharePoint site

I can produce my webmap using the qgis2web plugin without a problem. When the index.html file is created I click on the index.html file and the webmap opens and I can see my map content. So far so ...
Brigitte Colin's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Accessing same shapefile for different users via SharePoint in QGIS

We are currently migrating our files and data to SharePoint. Currently, we are using our file system with a path structure like this: Z:\_Maps\Cities\Project1.qgz with a shapefile (.shz) which will be ...
Sven's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

QGIS 3.16.16 and Sharepoint

My company is transferring to using Sharepoint. Currently we are using a driver system. We think we might run into the problem that paths to sources we use will be linked to our personal account of ...
ASanders's user avatar
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When appending new data (points) in AGOL, the new points dont show up in the map?

So my workflow was: Open csv file in arcgis pro and plotting points on the map Make a feature service and upload it to arcgis onine Added 1 extra row to the csv file with new data. Saved this csv ...
jamlego's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Will using Zee Drive affect the performance of QGIS [closed]

At our company we are thinking of moving from a server to our local machines with Sharepoint. Zee drive would be implemented to act as an interface for all our files, including our geospatial data. ...
AWGIS's user avatar
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4 votes
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Access SharePoint data via ArcGIS Web AppBuilder Custom Widget

I need to read and write data from/to SharePoint site via ArcGIS Web AppBuilder Custom Widget. Does anybody any experiences how to do it? I tried SharePoint REST API and putting a code from this ...
soldous's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Esri Maps for SharePoint installation hangs?

We're trying to install Esri Maps for SharePoint 4.0 using the installation guide's PowerShell commands. The guide has the following commands: Add-SPSolution -LiteralPath C:\Software\ESRI.ArcGIS....
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

OpenLayers 3 zoom to mouse location pulls off to the left in SharePoint

I am currently creating a web application using OpenLayers 3 that aims to be embedded into SharePoint using the Script Editor tool. For the purpose of this question assume I am just using a basic ...
Joshua Dickerson's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Online Interactive Directory [closed]

I have the following project and I'm figuring out how to best implement it. I would like the project to be as highly automated as possible. The suggestion was made that I make and access table, link ...
Rodrigo's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

CartoDB linked to Sharepoint

Has anyone tried linking a Sharepoint Excel spreadsheet with CartoDB? My spreadsheet has a URL like it would from Google Drive or Dropbox and it is shared with editing and viewing privileges for ...
user3145271's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Where to host private CartoDB/Leaflet web app

I am looking for suggestions/recommendations on where to host my cartodb/leaflet map site. It needs to be private with authorized users and have a document management system. So, I was thinking ...
user3145271's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Query Layer to access data on Sharepoint

I want to connect to a Sharepoint list from ArcMap. Without knowing very much about these things I thought that it would be possible to read this non-spatial data to create lookup tables in my file ...
TSJ's user avatar
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Linking SharePoint database with ArcGIS?

The organization I am working for has a sharepoint database that multiple people update every time they do an inspection of natural resources on a parcel in the county. This database has the ...
Robert C's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Using Sharepoint with ArcGIS Server?

Want to do some testing with Sharepoint/MapIt. Took an existing machine with ArcGIS Server 10 on Windows Server 2008 on. Installed Sharepoint 3.0 SP2 on it with basic install/default options. Can now ...
jakc's user avatar
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